vegetarian diet | Arthritis Information


vegetarian diets supposed to be good for RA.  anyone tried this?
Well, I have been a vegetarian for almost 9 years and I was diagnosed after that.  But, it is hard to tell if it would have been more if I wasn't.  It certainly can't hurt to give it a try... or at least cut down on meat products.

I have been a 99.9999% vegetarian, with the exception of wild salmon on rare occasions since early 2000. Let me give you a timeline so you can come to your own conclusions.

Feb 1998 I was diagnosed with RA, symptoms began about a month earlier.

Feb 2000 I started taking Minocin 200mg daily(dosage was later lowered), and was also then on Arava, Vioxx, Prednosone and my labs were ESR 80 RF 400+. Symtoms were severe. (Within 8 months I was off all drugs but the Minocin and advil.)

A couple months later, maybe march or April 2000 I changed my eating totally, I cut out meat, dairy,and most grains except spelt. Also any types of food colors or additives. I also started juicing daily as soon as I was able to walk upstairs and did so for the next 18 months or so. I also added Perfect Food suppliment and I also use wheatgrass capsules, to get more live green foods. My feeling was, if RA is a bacterial infection of some sort, take Minocin and improve immunity. I had nothing to loose and everything to gain.

May of 2001 my ESR was 2 and my RF was 20 or 30 and  my symptoms were 90% gone.

Couple of months later my ESR was 1 and RF was 20. and symptoms were 90% gone. I recall building a fence incircling about 1 acre at that time and being on top of the world.

After 3.5 years I stopped Minocin, that would be july or August 2003 im guessing. About that time I began construction on a house for my sister, which is close to completion now. I built the whole thing myself with the exeption of the roofing. Two stories, I did the block foundation, framing, sheathing, siding, sheetrock and taping, wiring and plumbing, with the help of my 50 year old sister. I required 2 or 3 advil in the morning for my knees. 

I still follow my healthy vegetarian diet, I stay away from frankenfoods, preservatives and additives, dairy with few exceptions and wheat with few exceptions . I eat mostly raw and natural foods and a large amount of live green foods and foods high in antioxidants.


Wow, Gary! That is impressive.  I'm vegetarian, but not vegan.  I've been thinking about making some dietary changes, but am not sure how to get started.... your post is making me think. 6xmum38405.2408680556

Wow,  I would love to hear more of the foods you eat and don't eat as I'm sure most of us would.

I juice once in a blue moon and tell myself I will do it daily but never seem to get around to it.


hi guys
haven;t been back for a while but think all your replies are great.   anna   I am interested in putting together a diet book for ra. If anyone would like to share any recipes. I would gladly share in what ever comes our way.I was diagnosed in Oct. of 03 and just recently started embrel about 5 weeks ago,I do not like needles.and do not like taking drugs to kill the pain.I do think that diet could be the right path in changing how ra works in our bodys.Hi folks - I'd like to add to this thread. Please see my recent post under the topic " message to all RA'ers"