Pred/moon face, how long does it take? | Arthritis Information


Hi all, Does anyone know at what amount and how long it takes to be rid of this 'moon face', thanks, Sarah (down to 6 mgs)It is going to be different for each person. My RD says that once you get
down past 10mg the effects should dimminish quickly. But the length of
time of the drug can also have an effect on how long it takes.

Keep up the good work. Trust me, I know how hard this is.Sarah, I got down to 6mg/5mg alternate days for about 2 months, and the moon face started to diminish - but now I'm back up to 8mg, but no moon face.  Just slightly plumped up - enough to fill in the wrinkles a bit, so of course I'm OK with that.  Hi Sarah, once I got to 10 mg I noticed some change and the more I taper the more change I see.  Am down to 7.5 AGAIN and my face has lost it's extreme puffiness.  Still have an extra chin and hoping to see that go when I lose another 15 lbs.  It's a struggle and you stuck with it, good luck. I'll be at 7.5 mg for awhile because of a sluggish adrenal gland.  That's ok because a year ago I was taking 30 mg.  Lindy Friday will be my first day with no pred!!! YAY!!!  Complete change of lifestyle going to be happening in this home.  I will keep everyone posted on how it goes with that.  I am also getting a bike and a family membership to the Y!!!  YAY!!!!  We are close enuf to our Y that me and the girls can bike there.  Buh bye to these 2.5 chins and the 2 spare tires!!!!  And the sugar cravings!!!  Liz, I go to the Y and love it.  Right down the street from where we live and the pool is really large and best of all WARM.  Lots of different levels of exercises.  That will be a great little get away for you and the girls.  Enjoy. LindyGreat news Liz - and your plans sound exciting too, looking forward to hearing how it all goes for you.  As always - take it eeeeeeasy...... and enjoy!!  Best of luck!! Hi, thanks so much everyone! I'm looking forward to my old 'thinish' face again. NOW, I need a face lift.....never happy. Lynda