legs aching | Arthritis Information


My legs are aching a lot lately, but I notice it more when I go to bed.  It feels like the bones are aching rather than the muscles. They also feel a bit prickly.  My rheumy says that she thinks that it is "restless leg symdrome", but I googled it and it says nothing about them aching.  Do you think it's because I gained weight? 

I am taking metho, 6 mg. pred, atenolol, plaq, naprosyn and hct.

Hi , I had that 'restless leg' type of twitching a couple of days ago. I had walked the beach and then that night that scary feeling. I also take Mtx and preds? I haven't had it since. Forgot to ask the doctor yesterday, DANG. Sarah Hey Now&Then...

Do your shins hurt? Mine do. I did some research and found that some RD's are now including that in their work-up for RA. I believe I have the "Restless Leg Syndrome" too. My legs really bother me at night, I constanly have to reposition myself, and they feel like bugs are crawling on them. EEK!!! I hate BUGS!!!!

i find if i have been too long on my legs i get the pain through the shins and a pins and needles (bugs) feeling . i know then that the next day i will awake a mess both in pain  and extremely fatigued.

I get the shin pain and have done since being DX, the bug crawling feeling is horrible as it moves all over the place.Weight gain can add extra strain on your legs but i would have thought it would need to be quite a large weight gain not just a few pounds.I lost weight( not a great deal) and feel worse than i did when i was carrying extra.Its soooo strange.

Take care

My legs feel weak and sort of wobbly a lot of the time. k I'm wondering if maybe it's from the heat here.

Try taking a couple of calcum/magnesium supplements at night before you go to bed.  That often helps with the aches, and restless feeling.  It really helps me.

Also, on the nights after I have been on my feet way too much earlier in the day, and my legs are just glowing with pain, I rub Blue Emu on my legs and that helps enough that I can usually go to sleep.

Good luck to you - hope you feel better soon.

Hi , Do you wear tight jeans? As I kept gaining weight , thanks to the prednisone, I wore the same jeans (not my stretch ones), and I'm seriously wondering if that was the cause of my leg cramps and twitching????LyndaI know tight jeans can cause really severe tail bone pain! 

I have pain in my legs often that is not related to any joint....or at least it doesn't seem to be. Usually happens after too much activity and always hits me once I get still in the bed. No fun at all!

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