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Does stress cause flares? I'm having such a stressful time with work being done on my house (and not correctly - I might add) that I am in so much severe pain. Like the pain at diagnosis. Honey, My doctor thinks that stress causes flares. Before christmas last year he told me to up my pred if I get stressed out at the holidays.
If stress causes flares no wonder I have RA.
I am wondering if most of us get stressed out easily.
Well, it generally takes a lot for me to get stressed. I'm at the end of my rope right now. I had to have my air conditioner blower unit replaced in the attic. The workers were here for 7 hours, as they were cleaning up, one guy fell through the ceiling knocking out 1/2 my son's bedroom ceiling. Then I had to spend days and days waiting here for the spackle/sheetrock guy to fix it. I am currently waiting for the painter but in the middle of the night, son comes and and says it's raining in his room. The new a/c blower unit is dripping and soaking through his new sheetrocked ceiling. I was rolling around in pain last night. It's the wrist that's giving me the worst pain. I definitely notice the "bump" we all have on the outer side of our wrists is notably larger on the right wrist. Friday is Enbrel day, I have Arava and Relafen till then. I wonder if I go to my Rheumy about this latest pain he can do anything. OMG.........You got so much going on. I would give the doctor a call about the latest pain.
Honey, I hope all this gets straigtened out. I can certainly understand why you are stressed condition.

hi, I think STRESS is the number one cause of our RA, but that's just me. We get all upset and there goes the RA through the ceiling! SarahIve read alot of things that point to stress... I believe it brings my flares on..
Yes! For me it is for sure a trigger...First of all Honey, as an ex-teacher, I absolutely promise you there is NO such thing as a dumb question!!  Yes, totally agree, stress is one of my major triggers.

Honey, wow, I sure hope you get your house fixed, THATS some major stress! For me there is a direct correlation between stress and my "flares". I learned this early on. If something out of the ordinary happens my shoulders (where my first symptoms appreared many years ago) will begin to ach. It happens time and time again. Not that my shoulders don't ach when everything is running smoothly, it is just very obvious to me that stress makes things hurt.

As an example, I threw a Christmas Eve party several years ago - had fun, lots of people came - but I was so sore I couldn't sleep that night. Everything hurt!

Life if full of stress, "one man's stress, may be another man's plearsure". So I try to take time to sit back and actually relax each day and try not to let things get to me.
MaryYou're all right. I'm trying to put things into perspective: if we didn't have stress, life would be dull! That movie "Clicked" comes to mind. I also try to think of what my mom says about things like people falling through my ceiling "One day you'll look back on this and laugh". The guy just left and fixed the problem, but I still have to have the ceiling spackled again. I just want to have no more workers here for a awhile and I don't see an end in sight! My wrist is killing me. I'm going to try to do a little food shop now and take my mind off of it. When I'm stressed, I definatly hurt more. I also get a headache when I'm really stressed.     Oh I flare big time when I am stressed out.  I give warnings to my family when they are the cause of my stress lol.  Stop it girls, you are stressing me out...I'm going to flare...then we can't go do anything.  Husband usually handles super stressful situations so I don't flare. 