diagnoses.. | Arthritis Information


A question for you experts...

If one has  negative RA blood test  how is RA diagnosed? X rays? 

Many many of us are sero negative.  Xrays to look for joint damage, how well you can do daily activities, are presenting with any physical symptoms like swelling, redness, warm joints, etc. 

http://www.hopkins-arthritis.org/edu/acr/acr.html#class_rheu m

Using history, physical examination, laboratory and radiographic findings:

> Traditional format

> Classification tree



What is MCP and PIP?

I was negative but they did a bone and joint scan and my arthritis lit up the screen... I could even see it...

mcp=metacarpophalangeal joints these are the joints closest to he hand

PIP= proxmial interphalangeal joint  these are the middle knuckles

DIP= distal interphlangeal joint  these are the joints closest to the finger tips and are not involved with RA but are a common site to develop OA

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