OT/elderly parents | Arthritis Information


 My mom is 90 and my dad is 82. My mom can only walk with her "state of the art" walker now, due to osteoarthritis in her back. Last week she and my dad went for a walk and when they were almost back home she asked him if he wanted a ride! What was she thinking?? He said yes and hopped onto the seat and she pushed him the rest of the way home. When they got in front of the house the walker collapsed and hurt my mom's leg and my dad fell off and hit his head on the concrete Sigh...I hate living this far away from them...My mom is only 4'9 because she's shrinking and my dad is about 5'10 and weighs alot more than her. They're ok. Didn't need to see a Dr. or anything. Sheesh.... I am glad they are ok and they were not seriously hurt.  I can just imagine that phone call you had with them.  When does the tide turn that we are the ones lecturing our parents instead of vice versa?Hahaha....as long as they're not hurt that's actually a pretty cute story.Thats kinda cute, at least they are still having fun. My friends parents are
really depressed and not pleasant to be around.

BeeWay to go mama and papa!!!!!!  Janie.  PS glad they are ok.

I have to agree, your parents rock!  I know it worries you, but they are out there doing things together, and sharing fun.  It sure beats sitting home depressed and waiting for the end.  I only hope I can be like your mom when I'm that age.  Here she has OA badly enough to need a walker, but not only is she still out walking, she's able to push her hubby around!  She's Super Granny!

I understand how hard it is being far away.  I am in the same situation with my mom - It's a 12 hour drive to get to her.  I am an only child, my Dad died 10 years ago.  She's too stubborn to move up here, or give up her chain-smoking, LOL.  I've decided to just let her be who she wants to be right now, cause she's earned it.  She doesn't like to be told what to do, and gets her feelings hurt easily if she thinks I'm criticizing her, so I just let things go.  I figure I won't want my kids telling me what to do when I'm her age!

I'm glad your folks still have each other, and that they weren't seriously injured.  Maybe you need to get your mom a motorcylce with a sidecar! 

Hillhoney They're in California.  But OMG my dad drives too fast! He keeps passing his drivings tests because he behaves himself for the instructor, then goes right back to his old ways. He is so stubborn. I really don't know what the solution is because you're right, who would drive them around. And my dad will not relinquish that license easily when the time comes. My mom is a slow and careful driver and she only goes down to the beauty parlor and drug store and back.

oh my goodness that IS a cute story, and I love the motorcycle idea! I can just picture her in a scarf and goggles.... It's so hard when they start getting up in age. Giving up driving is like giving up their independence. My father in law is in his late 80's and drives a great big lincoln -very very slowly.

Oh Miles, they sound like a delightful couple and aren't you lucky that you still have them.  Thank goodness that they did not get hurt and the best part is sharing the story with others.  God bless them both.... That is such a heart warming story...I pray that my husband and I will be able to share that kind of life in our golden years. I'm so happy you still have them around to get on to...lol  Thank you all for such sweet replys. My mom would get such a kick that you enjoyed that little tidbit. I know I'm very lucky to still have them, I'm especially close to my mom, and I don't know what I'll do when she goes. I feel like a little girl sometimes when I'm visiting them. And she always tells cute stories of when I was small. Nobody else knows those stories. I'm 52..... and I still need my mother.
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