RA or OA in fingers? | Arthritis Information


This is probably a dumb question, but does RA cause the end finger joints to swell, or is that from osteoarthritis? I have big bumpy end joints on all but my thumbs and two of my fingers are turning. I always thought knobby joints at the end of the fingers are from OA. The fingers that are turning keep getting "stuck" straight which is really annoying and hurts. Just curious.


HI Laker sounds like OA to me, my girlfriend has the same problems and hers is OA.  Kind regards JAnie.

More than 1 Rd says my lumpy/knobby end joints on my fingers is from OA. The base and middle knuckle joint damage is from RA.

I really never liked that answer much because my lumpy end joints got really inflamed and painful through several of flares between age 40 and 44. I have never done any kind of heavy finger work, nor have I had injuries that would wreck those end joints. (OA is wear and tear, and I don't think I had any.

I guess it really does not matter - they look bad and hurt just the same with either name given to the damage.

Thanks for the info. I am only 45 and mine look pretty bad already. Mine also get painful during a flare which confused me. I don't understand why they are like that already. Surely they could not be damaged by typing? It is the only thing I can think of that I do that might cause damage.


Yeah; I'd have to agree with what they are saying. I have hand problems from RA and it's the center knuckle joints and the middle joints in my fingers that bother me.

M~Doesn't having RA play a roll in causing OA? Just curious about that. I'm assuming this is likely the case.

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