Normal test results | Arthritis Information


Hi all

Called my doc today and the blood work I had taken last Friday has come back normal.  I will have to wait and see the printed copy to see what all he tested for.  I do know that the RA and Lyme Disease were negative.  The x-ray results were not in yet, so I just have to wait some more.


Hi Cristal,

I am not familiar with your situation, but you can have a negative RA factor and still have RA. Both my RA and ANA are negative but I was dx'd based on syptoms and response to prednisone. Hope you get some answers soon. Good Luck.


Cristal the same goes here.  I was Dx'd by symptoms.Me as well Cristal. Rd dx'd me after full exam.

Me too.  I am sero negative and always have been.  Dx by symptoms and xrays.

Blessed..what are you doing up???  Go to bed!!!!!  LOL!!!

What lab did you use for Lyme...Quest ?? Just curious

I'll know which lab when I get my paper work.  Probably in a couple of days.  Why do you ask?  I've often wondered about them????  I think all my blood work was done there.


Hey there Cristal,

I agree with the other posts...just because the tests came back negative doesn't mean you don't have RA.  It's not uncommon at all to be sero negative with RA. It's just easier to get the diagnosis  when the RA Factor is positive.  However, a good rheumatologists should be able to diagnose by symptoms and an exam.  During my first exam the doc diagnosed me.  The RA Factor just confirmed what we both already knew.  So, we've ruled out Lyme...that's a positive thing.  I remember reading one of your post somewhere but I don't remember the details.  Could you please tell us a little more about your situation and if it was a Rheumatologist that you saw?  If my memory serves me correctly you did have an appointment with the Rheumatologist but I'm not counting on my memory these days.  Do you have a follow up appointment?  What did the Doctor say in the appointment?  Take care of yourself & keep us posted.

Peace & Love...Neasy


Hi there.  I saw my GP, who ordered the blood work and x-rays.  I have my RD appointment June 21st.  I'll try to make the history as short as I can.  In 2003 I had lots of joint pain, did the blood work, x-rays and RD.  All negative, even the exam.  So things seemed to subside, but never went totally away.  I just lived with the pain and really cut my activity down because of the pain.  So recently I began having the joint pain again, same places.  Some nights I cannot even hold a fork for dinner.  Tonight is bad, probably will stop this puter soon to rest tonight.  My ankles are sore and very stiff upon getting up in the morning and if I sit for any length of time.  I found the note of questions I took to my last RD doc visit and thought hmmmm...same questions as I have now, down to the inside of my mouth being sore.  Well I certainly do not want RA, but I really want to know what is going on.  I'm tired of being in pain and not being able to live my life the way I'd like.  I'm 46 and feel about 80.  My dad passed away in March and I think a year ago he could run circles around me.  He died at 82.  Also I have had 3 colds this year, just now getting over the last one and also had the flu.  Have really not been sick like that for over 15 years???

Hope that was not too long, but wanted you to know the 'quick' history

I check the board each evening when I get home from work and really learn a lot. You have all been helpful and supportive.


I'm no doctor Cristal but it sure sounds like symptoms of RA to me.  Especially since the test for lyme is negative.  I know what you mean about not wanting to have RA but wanting to know what's going on.  You can't begin to treat or understand your pain unless you know why you have it.  I think you'll have much more luck with a I wish you luck at the appointment on the 21st.  You might ask him about carpal tunnel as well since you seem to be having major issues with your hands.  Although I do have flares in my hands from the RA, I also have carpal tunnel and the pain feels different.  When I was explaining the strange pain I would have in my hands and it feeling like the pad by my thumb were doctor did a tap test and holy crap!  All he did was tap on both my wrists and I felt this tingling sensation almost like getting shocked and my hands and wrists when numb just for a moment.  I'm sorry to hear about your father...losing a love one is always difficult.  As for him running circles around you, I can totally relate.  I am 38 and feel like I'm stuck in the body of a 150 year old.  As far as getting sick, me too!  The common cold I used to get will put me in bed for a week easy.  It's not easy honey but try to keep positive and this time don't stop going to the doctor.  If tests come back negative and you don't get a just come back here and we'll all brainstorm.  Pain and inflamation is not part of normal day to day life...they need to figure out what the problem is.  Take good care and get yourself well prepared for the appointment.

Peace & Love....Neasy


Hi Cristal,

My rheumatologist asked me if I had any stressful events prior to this exacerbation of my RA symptoms. (I did) You said your your dad passed away in March and, according to my physician, this type of stress can trigger an RA flare.

Sorry about your dad.  I hope you get good results.


Hi there,

It looks like I cannot tell which lab did my blood work.  Usually it says, but it looks like the Dr. office put it together???  I have been really having a time the last few days.  My hands and feet are so bad I cannot sleep.  This past Saturday we ripped up carpet from two rooms in my dad's house and Sunday we did the tack strips and cleaned the kitchen and many other things.  I was shaking so bad, I could not stand.  I cannot believe besides this pain I can't seem to do anything!  I kept loosing my balance because my legs were shaking.  What's a person to do?


Rest, when you get to shaking. I have that problem too. When I overdo, that is the first sign I have overdone, my legs shaking and my balance is off a lot more than normal.

You really do need to rest when your legs are shaking from the pain. Your legs can come out from under you and you can hurt yourself even worse and have even much unneeded added pain.

I also feel really sick to my stomach when my legs begin to shake from all the pain.

You do need to rest more, even if it is until the shaking of your legs seems to ease up.
