RA in the cervical spine | Arthritis Information


For those of you have RA in the cervical spine, I'm wondering what kind of symptoms you've had.  Since I already have degenerative disease there, I've had muscle pain and nerve pain for a long time.

But recently I'm noticing that when I go to lie down to sleep at night, when I reach the mattress, my whole c-spine hurts to the touch.  I had hubby press it gently on either side and it is definitely more tender than the usual fibromyalgia spots.

Do you have a memory foam pillow?  They are supposed to be very good for c-spine support.  Don't mess around with this.  Get into the doc and get some xrays done!!!Mmmm, love my memory foam!!  I have the bed and pillows!!! hey, i have had repeat flare ups in the cervical spine..
when it occurs its the worse pain in the neck
you cannot look side to side or rotate your neck up and down it hurts so bad

when lying in bed, the pains so bad that you often have to have someone else help you set up, because it feels like your head weighs 100 pounds.

its best to keep it moving, as painful as it is, force yourself to move your head side to side, and up and down. its REAL hard to do, but just get that inflammation so your cervical spine doesnt freeze

up the prednisone and anti inflams. this flare is the most dangerous apparently
I saw the rhuemy this afternoon and he asked about my range of motion, which is fine, so he didn't seem to think it was from RA.SeizuresMy pain was when I turned my head to the right or turned my head either way and held it for 1 1/2-2 mins.  I was also getting some very bad headaches especially in the morning for some reason.  It really hurt to get my head loosened up and working in the morning.  As it turned out, my spinal cord was being compressed by C1 and C2 and I was told that if I hit from behind with any force at all, I'd probably be paralyzed.  After a cervical fusion in Jan., I feel so much better and it kinda takes a load off of my mind about becoming paralyzed.    Hello Bingethinker, Did you lose much movement in your neck and can you still drive. I think I'll eventually have to have the same operation and am scared I won't be able to drive.


I have some birth deformities in my neck veterbrae etc etc.  The rheummy had done an xray awhile back and said that the range of motion was limited to just a few of my cervical veterbrae.....it has progressed alot over the years...he is sending me for a MRI on SUnday.....biggest fear he has is the tingling I am experiencing in my hands and feet and negative on the carpal tunnel....he thinking is to refer to a neuro surgeon....I am not going to do that....I am sure the RA is the reason things are worse......and I do not want to have anyone mess with this.....it could get worse.......I am afraid


head feeling like it weighs a ton

inability to look down or to the left

head feels like it is slipping out of joint

occassional dizziness


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