NF Questions | Arthritis Information


Question: My brother, bless his heart, was diagnosed by his daughters that he has Neurofibromitosis

Sorry, I know nothing about the question you asked but instead have a different one.  Did your rheumy say what the factor is that eats away at the bone?  It sounds like he did some you know what it is?  Any way to ask him?  I'm seeing my rheumy in 10 days and would like to ask about that test if possible.


Hmmm, I'm not familiar with that either but it sounds dreadful.  Hopefully someone here will be familiar and can help you answer some questions.  Did the doctor talk about any type of treatment and what options your brother has?  Is is something that is hereditary?  Hopefully, the baby will not be affected.  My heart goes out to you and your family.

Peace & Love....Neasy

I have never heard it being linked to RA but I could be wrong.NF is a condition where non cancerous tumours grow on the nerves (Please correct me if this is wrong)I have found this article though that might be of interest;year =1997;volume=63;issue=2;spage=109;epage=110;aulast=Prabhakar a

When the bone is being eaten away, it means that the synovial membrane has become inflammed and enzymes are released that eat away at the cartlidge and bone.


Peace & Love...Neasy

Both my brother and his baby girl have all the markers w/out the costly genetic work. Enlarged skull, cafe olay marks and my brother has all kinds of enlarged moles and cysts in odd places he's just delt with. At least his girl will receive the correct attention from the get go.

Ganglyon(sp) in his wrists, bumps here and there. He's also had migraines most of his life off and on. My sister has had probs w/ cysts as well as other problems. So now I'm going "hmmm". I've had problems w/ small cysts & thought nothing of it. But I've had stuff removed from my hand during surgery that couldn't really be identified, but led towards the RA diagnosis. Thank you for the link and the support. So much information here, love it. Now I'm thinkin' bout all the aunts and uncles who had unusual moles & tumors and all the different arthritis's.
