pmr guy’s third taper question | Arthritis Information


Okay, 7 mgs saw the return of pain, so I am back to 8 mgs again, with Dr's approval. Trouble is, it may take months to get back to my previous pain-free state at 8 mgs, and I am very uncomfortable. The Dr also gave me the option of going up to 10 mgs and then slowly tapering back down to 8 mgs. But that could take months too, and I would get the puffy face again, but at least I would feel better sooner. Any suggestions on which way I should go??? My intuition is that it may take longer to knock out the pain if I stay at 8 without going first to 10, 9. and then 8. But, damn, I have worked so hard at this taper, I would prefer not to go back to 10, even for a month. Thanks again for your insights! -pmr guy

Okay, is pain from PMR or prednisone withdrawals ? If sed rate is normal then it is probably withdrawal-which is like coming off of herion (not that I have personally experienced that), but have been told it is very similiar. I am right behind you with mgs and expected similiar issues. I am reducing by 1/2. My sed rate is good-so I am just going to gut it out and live on Advil or Aleve.Good Luck-it is not much fun-but have to get off of this stuff--

Central California Sunshine wishes





Thanks, Lonna. My sed rate is only 6, but this sure feels like PMR to me. I've grown accustomed to the slight achiness I experience for the first two weeks each time I drop down by one mg, but when I dropped down to 7 mgs it was different. After the first two weeks, the achiness didn't disappear as it usually does, but instead got worse and worse during the second two weeks until it became downright painful. My neck, shoulders, butt and knees all hurt, and I'm very stiff in the hips. If these are only withdrawal symptoms, maybe I made a mistake in going back up to 8 mgs, which after three days hasn't helped one bit anyway. -pmr guy

I could tell when I was going down on prednisone that the pain was different.  When I was in the full PMR flare, I couldn't pull my knees up to my chest because there was pain in the underside and they felt like there were fat nerves on the underside of my knees.

Going down on prednisone, I could pull my knees up to my chest by the underside of my knees didn't hurt.

You might want to ask your doctor if you can take some Ibuprofen.  I say Ibuprofen because that helped me better than the Naprosen or Tylenol.   One of the over the counter anti-inflammatory might be just the little nudge your body needs to keep the pain down.

I sure wish it would, I know how you feel.  You might want to ask before you up the prednison again.

 I am unable to continue with prednisone because of glaucoma and can't take Methotrexate because of high liver count.   I am keeping my fingers crossed I can feel as well as I do with the Ibuprofen.


I can also tell the difference-it is just a different pain. If it helps this is my 3rd try to get passed 8mg. I wish I had gutted the other times out. Maybe just gone to bed for a day or so. Dr is determine to get me passed this and gave me Relafen 75mg X2 per day.After a week, I can tell it has helped. I should no in 4-5 days.







PMR Guy, I have both PMR & RA.  Last year I was back down to 6 mg/ 5mgs alternate days.  I had been there for a week or so, after a very gradual taper from 1omg, (where I had been sitting successfully for some months before tapering..  But then I hit trouble.  This was my 2nd try at getting off Pred. The time before,  I hit trouble at 6 mgs.
My original dosage of Pred was 20mg.  It's a case of being more troublesome to taper when you're down in the low dosage - some say under 10mg.  And probably going down at an even lower rate - say 1/2 mg fortnightly, (if it's working) once down to 5.  It's important to do it verrrrrrry slowly, particularly when you get into the lower doses as others here andon the RA board will concur.

I couldn't get to see my RH because he was overseas at the time, but my Doc. recommended Brufen Retard (slow release Ibuprofen) 1600mg per day.   This certainly took the edge off it, and held me until I next saw the RH. (I mean the Ibuprofen held me - not the Doc. - although that would have been nice too - he's rather dishy)
When I saw the RH on his return, in April, he put me back up to 8 mg Prednisone, but said to stay on the Brufen, and that might possibly avoid going back up to 10mg Pred.   And that has worked so far.  I see him again in August, and all going well will be able to start the taper again.

I do have other medications as well, for the RA, - Methotrexate, Folic Acid,Placquenil,, then Losec for the heartburn, side effects, and Fosamax for Osteoporosis.

As Starbright says, that little nudge of Ibuprofen might just do the trick.  Check with your RH anyway and - good luck with your taper!!
I hope you feel better soon I agree that ibuprofen is a great help when one is tapering prednisone.  When I dropped down to 7.5 I thought pmr was beginning all over discouraged...but ibuprofen helped me through. I am now down to 5mg, tapering 1mg a month, and during the first two weeks of the decrease I take ibuprofen in the morning and evening...then just in the evening.  If I miss the evening dose, I suffer in the morning for some strange reason.  My recent sed rate was good after being down to 5mg for two weeks..but I am not pain free..I think it is worth it for me to deal w/that as best I can, use the ibuprofen and prep myself psychologically for the next step...I just want to get off this stuff and if it means taking ibuprofen to do it, well, so be it...better than the prednisone...don't give up...this will not last forever!  I have also found that meditation has opened the door to healing...a peaceful mind truly helps the process...easier said than done sometimes but the self discipline is worth it.

Don't forget that one or two days at a higher dose will not require a taper.  I had some incidents with frozen shoulders a few months ago, took almost 30 mg in one day to get over it, then tapered back to 10 mg. within 3 days with no problems.  And it also helps to do the alternating day taper: for example, go to 10 for one day, then to 8, then 10, then 8, then 9, then 8, etc. - or however feels right.

Good luck!

