Your Neuropathy and PMR symptoms! | Arthritis Information


The people on this Message Board were such a help when I was diagnosed with RA. That is why I am going out on a limb again and asking for your help. A while back I wrote about symptoms that could be Neuropathy. Well my results came back and I do have Neuropathy. Too bad, but I am hanging in there.

I also have Polymyalgia Rheumatica and I have been experiencing low back, hip, leg and buttocks pain. I read that can be PMR? Does anyone of you have PMR or Neuropathy? If so, what are your symptoms? Thank you for your help and I hope you are all having a good night!

I'm really sorry about your diagnoses.  It's bad enough to have RA without all the other illnesses that crop up.

I have neuropathy and I experience leg and foot pain, burning in my legs and feet.  Sometimes I have buttocks pain but I also have sciatica.  Neurontin has helped me but I still experience some symptoms.  It  worsens in the evening and sometimes I barely make it to bed because of the pain. There are times when I don't have any symptoms but they are few and far between. 

Has your RD or PCP given you any meds for neuropathy?  Lindy 


Thanks so much Lindy, for your help. I am so sorry you have Neuropathy too. And I understand exactly what you said. The pain, numbness and painful tingling are surely a test of our strength!

Yes, the Neurologist did suggest Neurontin but I heard it was a tough drug (from others) and so I declined. Then she said she would give me a presciption for amotripoline (anti-depressant for nerve pain) in a very small dose so I could sleep when the pain got bad. But I am not depressed and I don't want to start taking another drug when I am taking so much as it is.

The question I have is this..Is your Neuropathy leg pain in your whole leg including your thigh? Do you go to a Neurologist for your back pain too? And does she say that low back pain and buttocks pain are part of Neuropathy? Thanks again for your information. And I hope you are feeling better tonight.

Sue Lee,

I take nortriptyline for neuropathy which is similiar to amytriptyline (dunno if I spelled that right). I was hung up on the fact that it is an anti-depressant as well, but I have noticed no change in my moods or personality and neither has anyone else. It has helped a great deal and improved my sleep which greatly improved how I feel during the day as the nerve pain kept me awake. Neurontin did not help me and made me feel a bit dopey. You might give it a try especially since it is a low dose.


SueLee, sorry you have Neuropathy too. They tried Neurontin with me and it was amazing on the pain, but it increased the tremors. So did the Garbitril. Finally, they tried me on Cymbalta which is prescribed for both Neuropathy and as an antidepressant. It has brought my pain under control, at least for now. And it really does help having the anti-depressant function of it as well. The chronic pain that goes on and on can be very depressing. And anti-depressants have been found to have additional pain relieving qualities. This is especially true with Cymbalta.

I see a pain specialist and would definitely seek out Neurologist. But it was the pain specialist that helped me the most. I think that was more the quality of the doctor and not their speciality. The Neurologist just gave up on me and said I would never get better and that he couldn't do anything for me. But the pain specialist kept at it and now I at least have pain relief that makes it manageable.

You also want to make your Rheumy well aware of this problem because it may be actually caused by your RA and getting your RA under better control might help and lessen the damage of Neuoropathy.

Hope you have fewer days of pain. Like none.
I also have neuropathy.  I tried the gabapentin and neurontin and neither one seemed to help me but they are worth a try if your symptoms get bad.  Mine are also worse at night, the pain and burning does go up into my hips and low back.  I found ice to help the most when it gets real bad.  I did see a neurologist several times but we had a huge personality difference and I stopped seeing her because she told me if I didn't take the gabapentin than she wouldn't help me.  I am currently going to a pain clinic but haven't really found much to help with it. Just wanted to thank you all for your information on Neuropathy and how it effects your life. It really helped. I understand from my doctors and you what I am up against and I will follow their instructions. I may even start with a pain clinic which they suggested. Infact, I am going to post another subject about pain clinics and I hope you will give me your feedback too. Thanks again, and I so hope you are having a better day! SueLeeAnybody get fasciculations ( muscle twitching ?? ) 6t5frlane...No I do not have muscle twitching and I am sorry that you do. You might want to post and see if others can help you. Hope you are having a good day!