reaction to humira | Arthritis Information


Ok i know there is a humira place....but there are more people here....anywho, i took my first dose of humira yesterday. Side note i have lots of allergies so this could be completely on related, but took my shot at about 1....3:30 i was taking my inhaler and all evening and even a little know i was very itchy, last night my facebroke out iwth little itchy bumps...itchy all over. ive had stuff like this before like wierd reactions to food, but i didnt eat out so i didnt eat anything unusal. just wondering if anyone has had something like this with enbrel or humira? im hoping its not somthing to be concerned about, ill take the humira next time and have some benedryl handy just in case, but i want this to work....hopefully wont happen again. let me know what you all think!! thanks! you guys are awesome!I'll betcha (I'm hoping) that your reaction is unrelated to the Humira. I haven't had any reaction to the shots, even at the injection site. I usually can't even tell where the needle went in. No redness, no nothing.

Be sure and mention it to your RD, ok?  I would hate for it to be a rx to the Humira.  Great idea about having benadry on hand.  We under estimate the powers of benadryl. 


Hi Little Mermaid! I am new here but your itching IS due to the Humira, I'm willing to bet my life on it.  I was on Enbrel for 3 years and when it really wasn't helping any more, my rheumy switched me to Humira.  My first injection was 2 weeks ago.  That night I woke up in the middle of the night with the worst itching on my chest and arms that I have ever experienced.  I just did my second injection this week.  I can't tell if my itching is from the Humira or not, but I haven't stopped itching since the first injection.  I also have a bottle of 100 Benadryl tabs. in my nightstand drawer.  I take one every night before I go to bed to make sure I won't be up all night scratching.  It really helps.  I can't take it during the day or I'll sleep the day away.   My worst itching now is on my feet and ankles.  If you read the insert from the packaging (I use the pen injection) it tells you side effects and one would be allergic to one of the ingredients which I think is probably the preservative in the medicine and itching is another reaction.  It's in the more common side effects portion.  Just don't do what I did and scratch til your skin comes off.  I have these awful scabs on my body, sort of like what you look like after your chicken pox starts clearing up.  Let me know how you react after your 2nd injection.


Ick! did you get a rash at all?? my face completely broke out red and itchy and puffy......and fun fun !

Hi, I also have allergic reactions to humira. My RD has me take a benedryl a half hour before my injection and then one every 6 hours for a few days after my shot. I broke out all over my face, my neck, chest, everywhere. You should call your doc to make sure and just to give them a heads up on it.

Good luck littlemermaid!



Could you please tell me what you mean by, "I know there is a Humira place?" Do you mean there's a site for Humira? Is there one for all of the RA meds?

Thanks for the info.

There is an area on AI's website dedicated for Humira users but rarely does it get much activity. The majority of the regular users here just come to this section of the board because they know this is where the majority of the members will see their questions and are most likely to respond.

Good Luck LM. I was on Humira for two years and never had a reaction such as this but I have have heard of many with simular reactions. Hope it won't be so serious that it prevents you from continuing with the medication. It was really helpful for me.
