Falling off the face of the earth | Arthritis Information


I know I have disappeared from this site for some time. It is because I have been just swallowed whole by all the fatigue that I have been experiencing. I found even reading posts seemed to be too much for me, much less replying. Then, I'd reply a couple of times and I was lost again. It didn't seem fair to give half responses to everyone.

I didn't leave because of how anyone treated me. I got anemia of chronic disease on top of the RA, FM and the Neuoropathy. I've been spending what energy I have seeing multiple doctors and having more tests and more injections.

So my not being here has nothing to do with whether I care about anyone. I care about a lot of people. I just needed a break and may still have to take one. It seems like life had just become about RA and the various other problems and nothing but that.

I haven't got my SS yet. I turned in more paperwork and I am so desperate to get it. I am losing my house as well because Julie can't live here any more because she is too young and I don't want to live without her. I need her and she needs me as we struggle with our health problems.

So all these problems have just been so overwhelming. My current health problems seem to be the RA really doing long term damage to all areas of my body and they can't seem to get it under control. It's been depressing and I haven't really wanted to bum others out with all of it.

Forgive me my absence. Hopefully, I'll be able to peek in and respond to others more.

Miss you!

I loves yas sweetie and we have a plan for the house thing don't forget!!!! 

You never bum others out.  You are an amazing support to all of us depsite your pain and fatigue.  Remember that stupid stupid thing I did the other day??  Who helped me thru that??  Hmmmmm???  

Glad to see you back.

Please take care of yourself!! We missed you lots but we care about you
more. Post when you can but listen to your body. Take careDeanna,
I was wondering just the other day how you were, I'm sorry the light at the end of your tunnel is still so dim.

I was dx'd with ACD last January, but with the pred and remicade, it is gone. I think I was tired for years and I just didn't jump off the biologic bridge until my flare. I hope you can find something to get your inflamation under control, that's what did it for me.

Good luck and it was good to read a post from you.

Oh Deanna, I just answered your other post. (before I saw this one) I'm so very sorry you have been feeling so bad.

I know, it sometimes seems like our "job" is dealing with RA and related problems. Just arranging appointments, sorting meds and keeping track of when they are taken seems to be a full-time endeavor. Add to that, dealing with bodies that seem  to have turned against us, and it just overwhelms us at times.

Sweetie, I just hate to hear you sound so sad! Are ou losing your house, for sure? Do you have any plans? Hopefully your SSDI comes through very soon. It's horrible that they haven't approved you yet.

Please know that we are always here for you. You really are a bright beacon around here.

Take care.

Much love, Nini

Deanna - so glad to see you back on board but sorry that you are still having so many problems with your social security and your house. Why is it that you could be losing your house, it is so scary being dependent on the government for your livelihood.   I thought I was okay with my social security but now it has all come crashing down. Am sure the stress does wonders for our RA and fatigue. PM me with details if you are up to it.
You will get your social security one day, just hang in there in the meantime.
Love, Cassie


It is so nice to see you back.  I was so happy to see your name again.  I'm sorry you have been battling this beast for so long.  Hang in there, we are all thinking of you.


HI Deanna, what you are going through is the worst, I really feel for you, hang in there, and know that after the bad comes the good, and we are all here to listen and help out if we can, gentle hugs and kind regards Janie. Hi Deanna, so sorry that the going is still extra rough for you - but really good to see your post.  What a battlefield you are in at present.   I wish you all the best and tons of hugs and strength. Deanna,
We really missed you here. I am praying you get some of this stuff straightend out.You are always helping us here on the board and give us so much time. I am praying for you and think of you whenever I come on the board waiting to see a post from you.
You give so much support to everyone here, this board has not been the same without you.

Oh gosh Deanna, how much can one person take.  It just isn't fair and Julie can't live there because she is too young?  You are her Mother for goodness sake!  It just doesn't make sense, but then we do not know the whole story.
It's wonderful to see you here again.  Let's hope and pray that things improve for you and Julie. 

Sending luv......

Oh sweetie, I am so sorry but was really happy to see your name this morning!  Take as much time as you need but know we are all here for you.  I hope things get settled real soon with you ssi and your house, thats a whole lotta stress to have to deal with on top of being so ill.  You have always been so kind to me, please let me know if I can help you in anyway.  My pm box is always open!  Love and hugs Deanna, I think about you every single day. I wish there was something I could do for you. There are so many of us here that love you and care for you. Please remember that.



Go to MsMidge's post re Thunder God Vine and then google it.  Seems to be a promising therapy for drug resistant RA.

Just thought I'd pass this on to you. Hope you're feeling better.

Thank you all for your warm comments. It is so good to see names that I recognize and I do wonder how each of you are doing. Danielle, I did look up the Thunder God Vine. I will keep it in mind. I am waiting for my next visit with my new Rheumy on the 20th. Hopefully, he will find something that I can try. The last Rheumy gave me the impression that I couldn't use any biologics any more. But then he was just crazy about a lot of things. This new one seems to be more thorough and I have heard very good things about him especially from my Hematologist who said that he did a wonderful job with several of his patients that were in the hospital.

I do have a good set of doctors now and I think that will make a big difference. Right now, I need a good treatment for my RA which is causing everything else to spin out of control. I don't know this body. It certainly doesn't work right.

Also my knees did well with the surgery, but they began collapsing again from the lack of cartilage and possibly tearing something again. We are trying Synvisc again because otherwise I back to surgery again. I still haven't had my shoulder surgery. I keep postponing that. It's hard to think of not using it for 4-6 weeks.

I am much calmer than I was and less depressed. Thank you again for your kind thoughts. I missed you.
Deanna,  I am still confused why you cannot go back on Remicade?  It was the one med that actually helped you??????????

I am sorry Deanna.

I have been a bit busy, and have not really had time to log on to IM, but when I do, you are always marked as away.

I hope you and Liz do have a plan for you to find somewhere else to live.

I miss you much, as you usually lighten my mood and I love talking to ya!

Huggs and more huggs


I am so glad to hear from you again, but so sorry your health and so many other things are not going well. Sometimes it just seems like life won't give us a break and we can barely  keep trudging along. I hope things improve soon and pray you will have the strength to deal with everything.


I have not been online much either...........too much going on I think. Life is so darned difficul twith this disease and then meds, then being broke and not getting SSI for whatever reason, it just is not fair....I am thinking of you and saying prayers. I feel for you I really do. I am in about the same situation...I do have a court date for my SSI after nearly 3 years, now I have to get an attorney...geesh, so much fun eh?



Take it slow and easy, Deanna and post when you can. I remember when I joined AI you were one of the first to welcome me and answer my questions and ease my fear. I thank you for that.

take care


I really feel for you sweetie...your post made me cry.  I'm so sorry you're not feeling well and have so much stress in your life right now.  As far as you bumming us out...NEVER!  We are here for you just as you have been here for so many others.  I wish you luck and painfree days.  Take your time, we will be here when you're ready and up to it.

Peace & Love...Neasy 

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