I’m tried of hurting,what is wrong with m | Arthritis Information


ok i am new at this buthere we go.........

i am a female and will turn 28 next month and i don't know what is wrong with me?

ok it all started in november, i dislocated my right knee, well in febuary i dislocated my left knee, i have always had problems with my knee's dislocating but they alway went right back in and i was fine untill now? 

last month i went to the chiropractor for my neck and back, it hurt and it felt like it was out, well my neck and back had a disk out and my neck also is straight, it should have a curve in it?

so i have been going to therapy for my neck and i was put on steroids.....all was good, i painted the whole inside of my house and changed everything around and my husband hated me because i kept finding things for him to do.

well now i am off of the steroids and i can't move with out hurting! at first it was my knees, neck, upper back and right wrist, well now it has moved to my right foot and right elbow too! what is wrong with me? i have trouble getting up from a chair. In the morning i am soo sore i can't get out of bed, i have to get my husband to help me or if he's not there i have to kill myself to try to get up. the pain is soo bad and it makes me mad because i'm young i should be able to get out of bed!  i take like 4 advils every 4 hours, because nothing else works.

i had blood work done but it came back ok, so what do i do now? does anyone have an idea of what might be wrong with me?

Hi and welcome.  My blood work is still negative to this day but I have RA.  I highly suggest seeing a rheumatologist and if you did get a 2nd opinion.  Do you swell or have redness?  These are not always present at first.  Do you experience any stiffness?  The dislocations are indicative of EDS but I am not a Dr.

I hope you find out soon what is wrong as RA can cause damage early in the disease and there are meds to prevent or slow this damage.

Good luck.

Yes, it sounds like you may have arthritis!

20% of people with RA don't have anything show up in their bloodwork. People who receive early treatment for their arthritis do better in the long run. Insist on a referral to a rheumatologist so you can get a proper diagnosis and begin a course of treatment as soon as possible. I hope I'm wrong but it can't hurt to be proactive.

If you haven't seen a rheumatologist you need to get a referral to one.  You didn't say what labs you had done; you can have RA or some of it's cousins and still have negative lab work.  Labs aren't the only markers used n diagnosing RA.  The Pred. worked while you were taking it and and now once you stopped, the pain is back.  That's indicating to me that you really need to see a rheumatologist ASAP.  It has taken years for some people to get diagnosed properly and in those lost years one can have a lot of damage done to their joints by active disease.

Don't hesitate to ask for a referral, that's part of your physician's job....refer you for proper diagnosis and treatment. 

Welcome to the board.  Most of us here understand exactly what you're going through.  We've all been there at some time in our RA journey.  Ask any questions and someone will try and help you.  Lindy  

Amen to all of the above,  get a Rheumatologist appt ASAP regardless of your blood results.  I am sero negative and I went on for about 7 years before anyone took it seriously, in that time I lost both my knees to replacements.  If I had had it treated earlier I might still have my own knees.hi, i have PA and to diagnose that there is no blood test to be done . it has to be diagnosed by knocking everything else off the list. Plus have a family history of psoriasis or psoriatic arthritis ( even if its a very minor family history ) thats how i was diagnosed. plus i have an elevated crp sed rate.hi blkymo9
you may not have arthritis, particularly if your blood work is all normal.   i say this because my father in law was given injection steroids for asthma for ten years when he was a young man - because there was nothing else at that time.   when the puffers came in the injections were stopped and he developed what appeared to be severe arthritis but ALL HIS BLOOD WORK WAS NORMAL.  at the time the doc he had said that his symptoms would laast about a year and then vanish and that is exactly what happened.
with so many dislocations have you ever been evaluated for Hypermobility Syndrome?  The joint problems caused by that can mimic an arthritic condition

wow thanks buckeye! i looked up hypermobility syndrome and found that i have all the symptoms! i have never heard about this before or my mother, but i did have bad growing pains when i was little! thanks for the help, and thanks to everyone else, i go back to the doctor on thurday so i will see from there what happens, but i do feel better today!

How Is BHJS Diagnosed?

Assessment of children or young adults suspected to have BHJS does not require special equipment. Testing the range of motion of your child's joints will determine if they are more loose than normal. Several specific mobility tests are used for diagnosing BHJS, including:

my mom has the knee dislocations, my daughter and niece were born with the hip click, my sister has the the knee bowed  problem and the shoulder dislocation, and my uncle also has  the shoulder dislocation, so i guess it's in the family genes


Hypermobility is definitely another arthritic genetic thing.  I fit the criteria -- but I don't have a lot of dislocations.  My hips used to dislocate when I was a kid and everyone wanted me to put on the "freak show" and show how I could do sideways spits, wrap both legs around my head or hang them over my shoulders and other little tricks that were easy for me.  Unfortunately, I wasn't "double jointed" (as there is no such thing) as everyone called it at the time, but hypermobile and destroying ligaments and cartilege as I was "performing."  I have since learned not to do these things (as if I could with the added load of Adult Still's!)

My dad's side is where the hypermobility comes from -- and when looking at "family tree" research actually found a well know contortionist on his side of the family.

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