Back on the Prednisone | Arthritis Information


Went for my follow-up Friday with RD. Saw the NP instead. Put me back on Prednisone (5mg). Might as well not take isn't helping. Even taking 2 of my anti-inflammatories and 2 Tramadols with it. Very tired and frustrated! Go back in 2 months, if Plaquenil is not working by then, they will either stop the Plaquenil and put me on MTX or add the MTX along with the Plaquenil. Yippy! I wish it didn't take so long to find something that works... Blessed39244.8707060185

Can you call and ask for a higher dose of pred to see you thru to your next appt? 

I wish it didn't take so long to find what works either.  A lot of times it is our insurance companies that dictate this.  You have to "fail" one drug to move on to the other so the insurance pays for it.  Sucks...but sometimes that is how it is. 

So sorry Blessed. I agree with gramma call the dr and ask for a higher dose of pred or some different pain pills that actually help.

The waiting is awful and I'm not a patient person but with ra you have to be. I hope you get to feeling better soon. Pick up the phone in the morning and get something else to help you!why don't they just go ahead and add the MTX now instead of waiting.  I know plaquenil is a slow acting med but it kind of sounds like you will be adding it anyway.  Even adding a low dose like 7.5 might be the kick you need to get over the humpI agree with Buckeye, call your RD and request to go on low dose MXT and see if that's the kicker you need.  I don't understand why you have to wait 2 more months.  Keep us posted.  Lindy