Eye problems | Arthritis Information


The last few mornings when i have woken up i have been experiencing blurry eyes, more in one eye than the other.During the day they hurt ( no itching so i know its not my hayfever). My head feels heavy and i need to close my eyes to relieve the pressure.When i am concentrating or driving i have to keep blinking to stop them filmimg over. Could this be a part of the RA or should i ger it checked out.

THANKShi , by the sounds of it , it could be iritis . i have PA and i have iritis 4 times now in the last 3 months . it is really painful and being in the sunlight makes it worse. i am not sure if it goes along with RA but i know it does with PA. see a gp for some antibiotic drops before it gets too bad as it can cause permanent damage.Call the eye dr. Preferably an Opthmologist(spelling?). I have had the
worst eyes for the past year...keratitis, iriis, scleritis...pick and itis--I have
had it. Basically, I have lived at the eye dr. Anyway, eye problems do go
with autoimmune disorders-especially uncontrolled ones. My eye dr. also
sends reports to the RD so he is aware.

Please call a dr.--eye problems can get serious very quickly.

beckyYes, please go to an Opthamologist.  I have had Uvietus 4 times in the past year.  I usually have to take pred drops to clear it up and am now on Restasis.  Next will be plugs.Many thanks I am off to the doctor on friday. I have the floaters as well but when i mentioned this to my rheumy he said it was probably tirednessThe itis things are inflammation and will need steroids, not antibiotic drops.  These things typically cause more redness and pain and sensitivity to light.  It must be treated or it can cause permanent damage.  I battle uvieites on a regular basis myself, looks good, me having BRIGHT red, watery eyes and working at an eye doctors office! definitly get it checked out..you could be experiencing RA related eye problems but your eye problems could be symptomatic of many things such as Sjogrens, thryoid problems, sinus issues, even optical migrains. Without an examination all we can do is guess
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