Auto-immune Disease & Boils... | Arthritis Information


Has anyone here gotten boils any where when your RA was not in control?

I have them come up usually after a BAD, BAD, flare up.  The PCP told me that because our systems are compromised, we have a greater chance at catching MRSA and boils coming up. 

One reason is because our system can't fight off infection as easily since our systems are out of whack, the infection inside causes problems outside.

Has anyone had this issue?  I am in so much pain, the doctor can't lance it because every is still underneath the skin.

MAN...and sitting down and walking is a REAL chore!!!!



willwin239245.3765856481Yes, but mine have been small and didn't require any medical treatment.

Ouch, I feel your pain. I have gotten them for years. Even before I was diagnosed with ra. In Jan. I got a pilondial cyst (which is a huge boil on my tailbone). I had two. One was the size of a golf ball. I had to go in and get it removed. They cut all the way to my tailbone and left it open to drain. They said 6-8weeks but it took 12. It was the worst thing I have ever went through and my wonderful husband had to pack it with wet dressings twice a day until it healed up. I also have had carbuncles (sp) on my thigh. They are clusters of 6 or 7 boils. You might want to call your doc and get some antibiotics. Good luck to you, I know how much it hurts. Try a warm bath or heating pad. Get some good pain pills. take care
