Mtx and Folic Acid: | Arthritis Information


Hi! Everybody! I am on MTX. and Folic acid for my ra. I am taking my folic acid daily. I read some people do not yake folic acid on the same day as they take the mtx. Which way is the best?      Thanks For your Replys! P aulWhen I was on MTX, I took the folic acid daily per my Rheumy.Ditto.  I take 2 mg every day, regardless of whether it's MTX day or not.Hi. I take 22.5 mg of mtx weekly and take 5 mg of
folic acid every day. Seems to work for me, from
what I can tell.

by the way-Welcome!!

Thats what i do.. 25 mg MTX on friday, 1mg FA daily... along with plaquenil, zoloft, and allegra.

I take my folic acid daily also.  I find if I don't I get sores in my mouth and they are painful.  Hi Paul,  I took folic acid every day, still do.   I was taken off mtx but  I may be getting back on. I also got sores in my mouth if I did not take folic.  I raised my dose to 2 mg. from the good advice of Cristene.  The sores are REALLY painful but cleared up fast after raising dose.   How long have you been on mtx and how much are you on?
 Welcome paul52 and it's nice to meet you.
I am on 20Mg of MTX weekly and did use folic acid. (4MG daily).  It didn't stop the mouth sores altogether so my RA doctor put me on Leucovorin (5MG), 6 hrs after taking my MTX. This drug has kept the mouth sores, nausea and diarrhea at bay.   If upping the folic acid doesn't seem to help with stopping the forming of mouth sores, I would ask your doctor about taking Leucovorin instead of folic acid.
Most people can use extra folic acid weather we use MTX or not but be aware that to much folic acid can be dangerous to your health.  If any one is interest in more
information on why we need folic acid, I added a link to the NIH website.
Hi! I guess I will keep taking folic acid everyday, it seems more people do than don't. My meds. I am on are Mtx.15mg./Folic Acid 2mg./Arava 20mg.daily/Humira,Weekly/Motren 800mg.twice daily as needed. Quite a cocktail Huh!!!    Thanks for the answers..    Take Care! PaulI take 15mg of MTX of a Sunday morning and 5mg of Floic acid on Friday morning. I've been told that this is a low dosage but it seems to do the trick for me!  xGEEEEEEEESH Paul.  You are on quite a cocktail.  How long have you been dx with ra?  Has it been gradually adding more meds as old ones become ineffective?  I am still learning.  DX this year but my ra has been very aggressive and I have not responded well to meds yet - EXCEPT THE EVIL PREDNISONE!!!!!!! Hi! Roxy, My Ra started in Sep.2002. The weekly Humira was not working good enough so my Ra doc added the Mtx after that, the Arava. I am not crazy about taking Mtx+Avara together but so far I have had no side affects, been on the Mtx + Avara only a few months, been on Humira since Sep.2004. Well try to stay pain free. Take Care! PaulI have been on the Humira for almost 6 months, not having good results. does it help to add the mtx? I was on it once before and got lots of mouth sores. any advice?
Linda Hi! Linda, If you can not take Mtx. with your Humira, try Avara. I a on Mtx and Avara with my Humira right now.       Take Care!   Paul