Pred tappering ? | Arthritis Information


I have been tappering down on me ole pred. I am on 2.5mg from 5mg.

I have been having way more dreams since tappering. The dreams are weird. I cannot really remember most of the dreams excpet little bits & pieces.

Did anyone else have weird dreams while tappering of pred?

Hi, Did you go directly from 5 to 2.5? i've been told to go down 1mg a week. I'm at 4 today, Sarah Lynda

Sarah Lynda/Hurts

Yes I went directly from 5mg to 2.5mg.

My RD's pred tapper intructions are as follows:

Take 2.5mg every day for a month.

Then take 2.5mg every other day for a month

Then STOP!

That is exactly how he wrote it and how it is written on my pred bottle.

Oh yeah! So far, so good on the tappering... no taper flare. I do seem to swell when the weather is acting up, but that is only in my knees & ankles. Hands have been doing quite well. Wow I wish I could get off of it that fast. Please, let me know if you are alright with it. I got to 5 went down to 4 then had to go back up to 5 now trying again this week after the mtx (seems I should get some help from that). me

I think it is going so well, because it was not helping me anymore. I do not really notice a change from 5mg to 2.5mg. I did, however, notice a change in my joints when I went from 15mg to 10mg and from 10mg to 5mg, but this taper nothing. Probably good for me.

I hope you can get off the pred soon too. Good Luck!

I'm doing a pred taper right now and haven't noticed any weird dreams. 

I went from 10 mg to 7.5 mg at one shot (per rheumy's instructions)  When  I go back on the 20th, we will discuss going down more, but he said at a much slower pace.  I'm a little more achey, I've noticed joints hurting that didn't give me much problems before, but so far, so good.  My goal is to get down to 5 mg. or a little lower.


It might be because I am actually sleeping more now, might be a reason I have more dreams. Who knows? Not I said the one armed man.


Usually you will flare up if the taper is not going well.  More joint pain, achiness, swelling, etc. 

I didn't go right to 0 from 5mg either.  I went to 2.5mg then to nothing.  I get headaches when I stop my pred.  I haven't noticed if I dream more tho. 

Joonie, I finally got off pred but I went down I mg at a time.

Been off it for a week and a half. When I took my shot with the MTX on Monday night I was really tired yesterday. Also, my knees and one elbow was inflamed. I wouldnt say it was a flare though and today I feel fine.

So, I think I am off the pred for now.

My doctor wanted me off so he can figure how the meds are doing I think. I was on pred for 10 months.
I hope going off pred works for you. Good luck

Well, for me when I go into a pred flare, I hurt more, every joint will have very visible swelling, stiffness beyond belief, and I will have a hard time getting around.

One time I tried to taper and well... I took myself from 5mg to 0 in like 2 weeks and flared, but then I felt very very sick, so I took the pred again. I mean I felt like I was going to vomit, and had the shakes, and felt really cold. I stuck it out for 2 days, but then I popped a good ole pred and the next day I felt MUCH better. I learned my lesson after that incident.