Hope but cash strapped health service | Arthritis Information


ARTICLE FROM THE SUN NEWSPAPER( A national heritage in the uk)


NEW smart drugs could ease the suffering of tens and thousands

of Rheumatoid Arthritis sufferers.

But scientists warn that supply may be restricted by NHS cash worries.

In trials three drugs can halve the symptoms by targeting the immune system, dramatically improving patients lives.

They will cost up to £10,000 per patient per year creating a £250million NHS bill ( National Health service)

Isn't that short sighted of governments.  The first thing I thought of when I read the post was "think of what all the RA sufferers could do if they had half the symptoms, we could go back to work or work more, use less of other drugs, clean our own homes, cut back on AD use and more".  I wonder if the response would have been the same if was about HIV or avian flu. We are also governed by what area we live in. I was watching the news last night and there was a family where the little girl was the carer for the family, they cant get any help in England so are moving to Scotland for help...................Cancer sufferers cant get tamaxofin(spelling) in cetain parts of england because the NHS has no money in these areas............ so if you live here you recieve a death sentence or you have to relocate.

Perhaps the greedy world will find compassion one day!

Peace & Love...Neasy

So what is this miracle pill?I'd like to read the whole article.{ if (document.getElementById) Thanks for posting that Lisa.  It sounds good.  Hopefully it will work as good as it sounds!
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