Ending Plaquenil | Arthritis Information


I have mixed connective tissue disease.  I haven't had a bad flare in a really long time.  I have been on plaquenil for two years and my doctor believe that it is causing my white blood cell count to decrease slightly.  Therefore, three days ago, he advised me to stop taking it.  I'm worried about the side effects of ending the drug.  Does anyone know if there are any withdrawal symptoms to expect?Have you done a google search?  I would type in Plaquenil withdrawal symptoms and then see what pops up.  I usually read the first page, and then if there are more pages jump to page 5, then jump to 10, because alot of times, the answer is buried in page 25 of a google search.  Good luck and let us know what you find out.  I didn't have a lot of withdraw symptoms when I stopped, headache, but not bad at all. hi, i'm a newbie, today's my first day here. I am really interested in knowing whether you had any luck with finding out about your white blood count. Was it b.c. you were taking plaquenil? My iron is really low and I am wondering if it's the drug? Please let me know. All the best.
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