New Medications | Arthritis Information


I'm back from vacation and saw this while I was catching up on my reading.

Study Rates New Rheumatoid Arthritis Drugs
Abatacept, rituximab and tocilizumab may offer patients new options, experts say


Oh my, I'm not familiar with any of those.

Peace & Love...Neasy

The vacation was great but now I have to spend the whole day doing laundry. That is not one of my favorite things. I'm happy that you enjoyed the link.



Thanks for the link.  Especially encouraging is the statement that says studies indicate that there is a need to look, not only for remission, but for a cure....that's great!!

Hi, Sarah, I kept trying to call it up but it 'said' , not available, not here or something like that? thanks for trying...meI read it on the Yahoo. You might try there.

LynnNeasy, you may have heard them called by their brand names...Rituxan and Orencia (the third isn't on the market yet).