Anyone Else Very Sensitive? | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

This has not been a great week for me. I have had such painful stiffness that my joints will freeze up in mid step, I cant walk for a few seconds until they decide to unlock themselves again. Dont let me sit down too long, I almost have to pep talk my joints into working again. My foot and hand pain only gets worse by the day. My feet swell so I cant even get my size 9 shoes on. I had planned on going out of town this weekend but my body just aint cooperating. Its so irritating to have to cancel plans that youve been making for weeks because this stupid RA just creeps up on you suddenly. Still taking Plaquenil and Celebrex daily. Looked like it was keeping my Arthritis at bay for awhile, now Im getting back to square one. 

Sorry Im such a complainer, I actually did have a question tho: Is anyone else here sensitve to temperature changes? Ive noticed with me that if it is very humid, I tend to swell more. But when Im in a very cold place with air conditioner to long I ache like crazy. My mom has central air, and if Im there for a minute, Im usually wrapped up in a blanket.  My hands and feet get so cold and hurt so bad, I have to keep them covered. If I walk barefoot on her floor, it feel like Im walking on nails. I dont know which is worse. (Probably no air since I have asthma). Then there is the rain. A couple of storms passed through Chicago yesterday, which is good since we havent had a lot of rain lately, but man was I in pain.  Ive heard that weather does not make arthritis symptoms better or worse, but I was wonder what you guys and girls think. Am I the wierdo here? ( Most people who know me would say yes

Just like to hear some of you comments on this. May have been asked before but bare with me, Im a little foggy in the brain


Dont worry, its very common for changes in the weather to cause the RA to flare, be it temperature, humidity or simply rain. Research Docs cant figure out why this is ( which is why they probably ignore it!) but it exists. With me its humidity and stormy conditions that i find the worst. Hi Shawnie,  I am very weather and temperature sensitive.  I usually have flares right before a storm comes in, (barometer changes), Cold makes my hips ache and hot weather has made my ankles and knees swell.  Don't feel like a complainer Shawnie.  That is the purpose of this board.  To air all our aches and pains, including heart aches, so we don't have to burden our own family and loved ones as much.  I hope you feel better soon.  It does not seem like you are on very strong meds.  Just plaquenil and celebrex would pretty much do noting for me.  FEEL BETTER SOON! 


We have air pressure all around us. The pressure outside of our bodies pushing inwards is luckily virtually the same as the pressure pushing out from inside our bodies. If the pressure inside was way more, we would explode (like in outer space) and if pressure was way higer outside than in, we would be crushed (like in THe Core under ground).

When storms come in, there is a low pressure system with it. Lower pressure means less air above you pushing down, therefore more room for your body to push outwards. Thus we tend to swell and swelling mean joint pain. The low pressure usually effects the area we are in about 24 hours before the actual weather arrives. Winter tends to have more low pressure days that nice brigth sunny high pressure days, so combine that with cold temps, and WINTER SUCKS FOR RA PEOPLE!

The summer time seems to have (expecially lately) many more sunny high presure days.. higher pressure, less room for the body to expand.. not as much swelling. WIth the warmer temps it makes a good combination for us.


Yes the pressure and temps affect me.. warm is better that cold, but i hate HOT HOT weather!

Hope this helps.. science lesson over.

I can definitely attest to being affected by the extremes in temperatures.  Cold weather (and A/C) can bring on very stiff joints as well as numb fingers.  The humidity that has a stranglehold on the Midwest and much of the country is causing me to least it feels like a flare...wanting to sleep all the time and having stiff fingers and achy wrists, knees, and ankles.  Ouch!!!!!  I may be calling my RD for steroids tomorrow.  Can't take this pain!

Shawnie, Yep me too. I can't even sleep at night without heat on whatever is hurting the most.   And weather changes just make me ache all over.  Hun, you need some stronger meds.  What you have is not cutting the pain for you.  You sound in BAD shape.   Hope you feel better soon.  We are here for you dear.

And to UNICORN....WOW...WHAT A GREAT SCIENCE LESSON.  Makes perfect sense!

Everyone have a great evening~~~~~~~

Just type in your zip code and it will give you a 5 or 7 day forecast.

As far as canceling engagements and friends, yes.   I think that we all have been sensitive to that.   Often resulting in lost friendships, family and work.   I have lost a lot of people around me (including immediate family / brothers and their wives) since being diagnosed with all these diseases.   I guess they feel the "out of sight out of mind" theory is best for them.   As far as friends go... much the same.   But, on the HIGH side... be thankful that you have been invited and state so.. because it is much harder on us all NOT to be invited to something that we once were than to cancel.  

It's like the ice skating theory.   I may not be able to skate any more but I can bring the hot chocolate (I can participate ... just in a different way).   I have not changed, I am still the same person I always was.  

Hang in there... and remember you are in a good place with all of us here.

Shawnie, I'm like you also.  The winter makes me ache but in the summer when the air conditioners are running - it's almost worse.  I can't handle the air conditioning but I can't handle the heat either.  What a wuss! 

I did have a special test ran by the rheumy when he found out that the cold air can trigger pain for me but I'm not sure what is was for exactly - a different kind of arthritis - but it was negative. 

Not that I want others to suffer but I sure feel better when I know that the symptoms I have are also ones shared by others.  I guess it makes me feel normal.  Take Care! 

I tend to have more pain and stiffness with weather changes, especially the cold weather.  I guess I am weird too

Ok maybe I am a little off, but a least now I know Im not the only person who predict the weather

Thanks for the scientifc explanation Unicorn, my brain had just gone on vacation too since I took my final for class yesterday. But your class was much more interesting than my History class.

Thanx a bunch for all of your replies. You guys are like a 24 hr help center for Arthritis suffers.



Hey Shawnie.  I am getting tired of us apologizing for worrying about hair loss.  I love my hair and I want to keep it!  It is also a side effect that really concerns me.  Good luck on new meds.  You can always stop a med if you start losing your hair.  My rd knows that is a side effect that I will not put up with.

 Hope you feel better.  Rox

They used to call me " The Walking Barometer" at work as I could tell when we were geting ready to get hit with some pretty serious weather changes due to my achin' joints.

