OT-Great B’day/golf/having fun!! | Arthritis Information


Hi all, I posted for the first time in February, and those of you who were nice enough to read and respond, thank you! I was in such bad shape I couldn't even type very well and the pain was so bad I was on oxycotin and tons of other 'stuff'.

Now, my life is so much better, I can't tell you how HAPPY my husband and I are to be able to celebrate his B'day.  we played golf together on a beautiful golf course here in San Luis Obispo County called Dairy Creek. The sun was shining brightly and the birds singing. Delightful! I've gotten my (and his) life back.

beginning March 1st I took prednisone, 15mgs, and that really curbed the pain, so then I could function...well better. I shuffled into my doctor's office, could barely talk, and was miserable.

All of us know the prednisone is bad for us, but it really saved my life in the early stages of recovery. thanks for the support.me


 Lynda, what great news!! I'm so happy for you and DH, Glad you're finally having pain free days again (or almost pain free). Hopefully you will just keep getting better and better. Good Luck and God Bless

  Oh, and I thought you might enjoy this...My DH just got a brand new set of Taylor Mades last week, but hasn't had a chance to use them yet because of his hand surgeryI am happy to hear such good news!

Yeah for you!

BeckySounds like the perfect day. Glad you got your life back.
If it werent for Prednisone I would have been in some real pain.
Happy birthday to Hubby and a happy life to you both.Glad you had such a wonderful day

I have decided to save ...lol...for a vacation next year to somewhere I have never been, sun adn surf and sand is all that needs be available...oh and those umbrella drinks!


I am so glad you are getting your life back


Hi Lynda,

I'm glad you had such a nice day. It's my husbands birthday today too! He's in Washington D.C. working, but he'll be back out golfing on Saturday as usual. San Luis Obispo is so beautiful. What a wonderful place to celebrate a birthday!

I want some cake!!!! Darnit! All these people having birthdays, and I never get any cake! What is up with that? I guess ya'll are just waiting for me to get another year closer to being 30! Which I will be at the end of this month

Hope hubby had a birthday to remember and the cake was good.

Glad you are feeling better and that you had a great day!!!

Lynda...I had taken a break from the boards during the time you joined.  I am so happy that you have found treatment that works for you and that you are doing so well!  I love reading your posts because they truly give me and I'm sure many others hope.  I adore your optimism & your love for life!!  It's fantastic that you and your husband got to fully enjoy his Birthday.  There's just one thing that that really gets my goat and bothers me...We didn't get any CAKE!!!

Peace & Love....Neasy

You are alllll too awesome!!, remember and celebrate June 13th with me, next year!! ,me
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