Saw Rheumy today | Arthritis Information


And things look good.. "its time to donate blood again" but he didnt want to change a thing...and i told him i was off the pred and he asked how i did it.. he was happy with how i did it and was cool with it...

I told him about this lottle forum of ours.. he may check it out.. I also sent him an email abouit the RA study i am in... he may want to refer people to it... I dunno...

Anyways... i have been busy cleaning out my garage... i have a road rally this saturday (i planned it) and the final location is at my house. the weather seems to be predicted as good so im hoping to hold the party outside, using the garage as the "shelter", so i have bought a bunch of shelving units, put them together and gotten the garage about 75% cleaned and organized.. you shoulda seen the pile of garbage i put out last night for this morning! I have one more shelf to put together for all my gardening stuff and then just sweep it all out...

Then i get to decorate it for a night on the red carpet!!! hee hee! got all the stuff today and such... cant wait for this to be over with!UG!!!

Ok enough rambling... Anyone heard from TBird? I talked to her when she was about half way home.. thought she woulda checked in her by now!!!!



HEY UNI......WHAT IS A ROAD RALLY??  i'VE BEEN OFF THE pREDNISONE FOR COUPLE OF WEEKS AND THRU TODAY i'VE LOST 10 LBS!!!   WOHOO!!!!!  Have a great evening!!Unicorn good luck with the rally, my baby sister does one each year with a bunch of her friends, they have a riot!!!!  ake care. xoxox meme

Karen... there are many kinds of road rallies.. mine is like a scavenger hunt in the car.. one clue leads you to the next location and another clue...Mine has a hollywood theme so everything relates to movies and movie stars.. I have everything done except having the decorations up in my garage...

I have about 45 people coming to my house (the final location in the hunt) so i need to get up and going... i may not check in later or til tomorrow (when i get up... i am NOT setting the alarm at all!!!!)

great day to all!!!
