sorry | Arthritis Information


any replies i make to posts are very short - you may
think im very curt and rude. but i cant type because
of my hands - sorry.   annaHI Anna, at least you are replying, I have only been reading as have been a bit depressed and down over my mum dying in Jan, sorry, but I have really been struggling this week, so good on you for at least replying, everyone here understands, its a really cool site, hope your hands feel better soon, love Janie. (Born in Old Windsor UK) hi janie
sorry about your mum.   
we lost my mum in law last year and we really miss her.
Hi anna, Just take care and get better soon. hopefully your funding wont take too long.Yes, Anna - all the above.  Take Care of YOU!! Anna...take care of yourself and just get better!!! 

Oh anna honey....we don't think your rude.  You have a lot on your plate and aren't feeling well.  Take care of yourself and get better.  We are here for you.

Peace & Love...Neasy

Good of you to write anyway, when you are feeling bad it is hard to type and to think....reallllly sorry. Hope you feel better soon, love, meI totally understand, my hands are awful as well and typing just kills most of the time.  Have you tried a small, light touch keyboard?  Mine has made a huge difference, my entire keyboard is only 8.5 inches by 4 inches and it take less pressure to push the keys and since my hands have to travel less, it makes it easier as well.