OT Link to State by State Study | Arthritis Information



Thank you Commonwealth Fund.  Probably one of those pinko, liberal, commie, Democratic American groups funded by those American pinko, liberal, commie Democrats who we hate more than foreign terrorists.  Those Fifth Column and Yellow Journalism tactics have been so effective. 

And I still think the AMA, medical doctors, Big Pharma, insurance companies, and the American Congress and President are morons on the health care issue.  Let me know if I left anybody out, oh yeah, us for letting it happen. 

You left yourself out.


Let me know if I left anybody out, oh yeah, us for letting it happen. 

us:  definition:  us  

1. the objective case of we, used as a direct or indirect object: They took us to the circus. She asked us the way.
2. Informal. (used in place of the pronoun we in the predicate after the verb to be): It's us!

Informal. (used instead of the pronoun our before a gerund): She graciously forgave us spilling the gravy on the tablecloth.


1. a person who betrays another, a cause, or any trust.
2. a person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.
Hey Larry - what side are you on here?  Certainly not arthritis sufferers.  You are an evil, evil, evil person.   


Keep in mind, us is plural, meaning more than one. justsaynoemore is singular, meaning only one.

justsaynoemore, i don't believe that all government agencies are corrupt. I don't believe that the President of these great United States is a moron. Hugo Chavez is not one of my heroes, i know you just love him and sometimes listening to you is like listening to him.

I don't believe that Doctors are morons. I do believe that some are more passionate about the doctoring business and there are good bad and mediocre of everything including doctors.

Big drug companies times are just about up. They have to get it while they can. Such new medicines and cures are just around the corner and will be coming fast and furious in the very near future. I know that you believe that the big drug companies will buy out and pay off all the universities and their research departments and every single person involved so we will never know that the cure was thrown down the drain and the recipe burnt and destroyed and those that couldn't be paid off will of course just dissapear?????????????????????????

What side am i on?????????????????????????????????????????????????

Consider this Cathy Harris, i probably spend as much time researching RA as you spend researching to bash this country, this government, this president, medicine, anything else that isn't of democrat persuasion. I can't remember you ever saying anything good, you must be a joy to be around.

I take offense that you use this arthritis forum to spew your hate, anger and political agendas. Evil is as evil does.





levlarry39248.6238425926Up yours Larry, you are the biggest liar on this Board, you misogynist pissant.  And spell my name right evil man.  Popcorn please .Honey39249.2095833333Honey, nice bump.  Glad to see my name got corrected.  Guess putting OT in front of a subject line doesn't work anymore.  I hope everyone read the study showing the disparity in State by State of health care.  Deregulation is really working well - public utilities, savings and loans, health care.  I wouldn't even say this is OT. I think the state of healthcare is relevant to
sick people.

Well, I finally found enough well time to read this report.  Of course I have to live in one the States with the lowest ranking.  No wonder I continually have trouble with finding decent health care, Florida is at the bottom of the list except in one area: nursing home referrals to emergency rooms.  Impressive. 

Conversely, the 13 states at the bottom quartile of the overall performance ranking—California, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, West Virginia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Nevada, Arkansas, Texas, Mississippi, and Oklahoma—lag well behind their peers on multiple indicators across dimensions. Uninsured rates for adults and children in these states are well above national averages and more than double those in the quartile of states with the lowest rates. The rates for receipt of recommended preventive care are generally low, and mortality rates from conditions amenable to health care often high.

I am moving to Hawaii:

Thirteen states—Hawaii, Iowa, New Hampshire, Vermont, Maine, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, South Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, and North Dakota—emerge at the top quartile of the overall performance rankings (Exhibit 2). These states generally ranked high on multiple indicators in each of the five dimensions assessed by the State Scorecard. Many have been leaders in reforming and improving their health systems and have among the lowest uninsured rates in the nation.

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