new again, memory loss | Arthritis Information


I'm introducing myself again because I keep forgetting my old log in name. I just re-introduced myself a few weeks (?) ago, however my hard drive crashed and I lost my information. I am again, LOL. Anyone seen the movie "50 first dates"? This woman wakes up every morning with no memory and starts the same day over again. I feel like that is my life lately. Anyhow, I'm Juliah and was here years ago. I remember roxy, neasy and a few others, which is good, seeing as how I can't remember my OWN name :)  My concern today is memory loss. I am having such a hard time with this. I feel like an idiot most days. I can have a phone conversation and 10 minutes later it's like it never happened. I feel like I'm living life inside a cuckoo clock. Anyone else struggling with this? How do you cope? Love and gentle hugs, Juliah JuliahRA39247.3918865741Notes, lots of notes! I hear ya...

Also, most people on this board do complain about memory loss, probably from the medications we take, but I'd run it past my doctor in case yours is extreme, or yu could do 'something' about it? What I don't know, but maybe something???

I hope you can cope , writing notes and all helpes me , I HAVE those tiny POST ITS , everywehre, on the phone, in my daily diary, on the calendar, in the car (Needs gas!), and all over the place. I need help remembering doc, appointments, hair appointments, meetings, lunch with friends....everything. love, me

 I'm lucky, I work in a doctors surgery.  Those wonderful drug company reps come round every week and leave handy things like pens, pads and post it notes.  I must have more post it notes than a stray cat has fleas.  I keep bringing pad after pad of them home.  I'm like Micheleb, I use them for everything.  Im just glad I get freebies cause they are so expensive.  We have a cupboard filled at work and a box the size of 2 shoeboxes FULL of pens.  They are my new memory

PS  the BEST pens are the Viagra ones, they last and last...


JuliahRA as in previously Juliahh?  If so...OMG honey, I remember you!!  As for memory loss, it is starting to happen more and more with me but so far has not become a HUGE problem.  I am thankful for notepads and sticky notes!!!  Is the memory loss due to medications or unrelated all together?  Have you discussed this with your RD?

I saw that movie....Loved it!

I'm so glad to see you back on the boards and look forward to your posts.  Write down your log in name and password when you make it.  I have a whole notebook full of them.  I'm sorry this is short, I'm very tired and need to lie down for a bit.

Peace & Love...Neasy

  juliahRA,I always have been forgetful, i found a internet address organizer at It has a-z,website,subject,username,password and site info.all you do is fill in the blanks. also was inexpensive. hope this helps I use this one for free. It may not be as good as yours though Jennyb. They have a step up version if you want to pay but, I can make a bunch of lists to do and whatever for free but not fancy

I had a stroke 10 years ago so, this could be my reason for laps of memory.

I cant remember my own name either. Ive been married to my hubby for 20 years and just a month or so ago when someone asked my last name I said my first husbands last name.

Who am I. Of cousre my kids have his name but I think I'm losing my mind.
Obviuosly, it's not a short term memory thing. Ive been married to hubby for 20 years.
Good luck
We dont realize how very fragile our brains are.

hey juliahh!! I  remember you!!

I hope you have been doing better than the last time we had a conversation.

As for the memory loss thing... I have days. I mostly have memory loss when I have a lot of inflammation. I do however, forget what I was going to do or say, it is becoming more of a problem each time it happens.

I also had REALLY bad memory loss when I was taking Arava. I would forget my mommy's phone # and it was a # I dialed at the time, up to 10 times a day. It was weird to forget something I just dialed an hour before and for the life of me could not remember it.


((((((((((((GENTLE HUGS)))))))))))))))))))

I have noticed the memory loss ALOT.  I have always had a good memory and the fatigue makes me not even want to bother.  At work I use my outlook calendar for most things and sync it to my PDA (which I normally forget to take home

This from ROADBACK:

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) can present as an acute illness (although it generally becomes chronic) which most often causes inflammation of the joints, muscles, and tissues. RA is systemic in nature so that the entire body is susceptible to the disease. Therefore, besides joints, this disease can also affect the lungs, skin, blood vessels, eyes, and other organs. In its most severe forms, RA causes joint deformation and is extremely painful and debilitating.

In addition to the pain and inflammation, symptoms may include a lack of memory and inability to concentrate, generalized weakness, fatigue, depression, and anemia. RA affects all ages and both sexes, although it affects women more often than men.


Physical manifestations may include fatigue, lethargy, loss of appetite, swollen joints or limbs, stiffness in joints, anemia, spontaneous remissions or flare-ups for unknown reasons, primary synovitis (inflammation of the membrane that lines  joints) destruction of tissue or cartilage.

Mental aspects may include depression, memory loss, mood swings, loss of concentration.

Laboratory indicators may include unresponsive anemia, elevated SED rate (shows inflammation), and an elevated rheumatoid factor.

Somedays memory fog is much worse than others but now i can blame it on my sickness, another good thing about RA.


Hi Juliah,

I'd just like to ditto what everyone else has said. I'm 53 years old, but feel like I have the memory of a 93 year old most of the time. Note pads and post-its are a staple in this house, and I never leave home without them!  :)

Thank you all for replying! I definately feel less crazy now. I was starting to wonder about early-onset alzheimers. love and gentle hugs, juliah

Yeah, I would have went along with everyone's suggestions of the post-its and notepads, but I have tried and they always come up missing and found months/years later in my daughter's bedroom. Now I have a son that likes my stuff as well.... so I am not even going to try it again!

