weight gain & medicines | Arthritis Information


What medicines cause weight gain?  I am 30 lbs overweight.  Is it age, meds, or Lyrica?  I am on Lyrica for shingles.  Thanks for the replies re. shingles.  I think stress causes shingles.  In four years, I lost my brother and cousin to cancer.  Moved from North Carolina to New York.  Lost my horse and cat also, to cancer.  My husband is always job hunting and wanting to move also.  I go to weight watchers and exercise, also.   tallcathy

Wow...that's a lot to deal with!!!  I know prednisone can cause weight gain issues.  I am recently off pred and in the process of shedding my pred weight gain. 

My 12 year old daughter is on it but hasn't gained an ounce.  But of course the kid is weird and doesn't crave sugar like you usually do on pred.  She craves spinach lol. 

Two & 1/2 years ago I got married. A month later I started Humira. Fast forward two and 1/2 years and I'm 20lbs heavier. I also take Lyrica and have for maybe two years...something like that.

I've been off of Humira now for about 4 months. I'm starting to loose weight now. Not 100% sure it's been humira causing my weight gain or not. MOre than likely Humira has been controling my Humira and I've been able to maintain a happier healthy weight. Now after being off Humira all these months my symptoms have begun to return and so has my loss of appetite. Loss of appetite is always a sure sign that things are not under control with my RA. My weight has gone anywhere from 110lbs to 140lbs over the years.

Hard to say for sure but yes; I do believe these meds play a roll in our weight. Especially predisone.

I gain weight. I really don't think it is the meds except for pred. I just can't 'run' my calories off. Too sedentary. If anybody knows how to lose weight but still eat at least 1,200 cals a day without exercise, I want to know!A lot of ad's (anti depressants) cause weight gain, as well as prednisone.  I have gained over 70 pounds in the last 2 years.  I think mine is a combination of the prednisone and being sedentary from the pain. Hi Cathy, Lyrica can cause weight gain and retention of fluid.  Steroids cause weight gain in the sense that it creates insatiable cravings and we eat more.  Also steroids cause fluid retention.  Antidepress. cause weight gain.  Google the side effects of all of your meds and see if they're the culprit.  I've been tapering Pred. down to 7.5 mg. and am losing weight with diet and a little exercise.  I started to gain weight in my early 50's and my body shape changed even though I exercised more I didn't change my eating habits.  As we age we need to change our eating habits and add exercise to our daily routine.  I was still eating like a construction worker in my 50's and it caught up with me.  I lost all the weight then I flared and had to go on Pred.  Now I'm back to losing.  Lindy   I  keep hoping the  Adderal I use to keep me awake (and takes away my

appetite)  will even out the lyrica and pred.  Thanks everyone re. meds and weight gain.  I am going to Google my meds.  It is also about food and exercise.  I go to Weight Watchers. Cathy RI gained 2 pounds a month on effexor until I gained 20 pounds which is a lot for my 5' frame.  I was so miserable.  When I tapered off the effexor, I began losing 2 pounds a month until I was back to my normal weight.  I think it slows your metabolism.Anti-depressants make you gain weight for sure. My 2 sisters on zoloft are over 200 lbs. I gained weight in the past when I was on predinisone.  I was at my heaviest when I was on it.
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