Phatgirl .... | Arthritis Information


How are you? Been wondering bout ya!

Hi Joonie!

I'm doing great.  I'm finally getting somewhere with my meds and feeling pretty good.  I'm only dealing with fatigue now.  How are you?  I hope all is well with you.  I'm trying to mind my P's and Q's

Take care


I have always wondered where that phrase comes from.  Mind my P's and Q's.  Anyone know???


I'd read somewhere that the owners of pubs, in trying to keep peace, would tell the rowdy patrons to mind their p's and q's...pints and quarts.

Then again I read that it comes from the printing industry when the typesetter would have to put in each letter by hand, and backward.  This would make it easy to place the p's and q's incorrectly.

Now that's two stories so I guess I don't know where it came from!

Ahh... I am ok. Woke up unable to move around as well as I have been. I hurt and it even hurt to lay in bed, so now I am sitting up on the internet. Might as well, hurt while doing something I like, if I cannot lay down on something I love.

Glad to hear the meds are working out for ya. Mine seem to do good for a week then the next week, not as good as the week before.

Hope your poochy is not dragging you around by the leashI like the pints and quarts theory!!! Thanks Danielle!!  That pub theory actually makes sense!!! 