C.T. SCAN AND HUMIRA | Arthritis Information


i WAS soooooooooooooo brave today, i had my CT SCAN and i didnt run out the hospital in fear ( for those who dont know me I am really claustrophobic and left hospital in the middle of MRI scan last year)

It was really quick and the machine wasnt enclosed, so for anyone going  for a first time its really ok.

It was for my sinus's and head............they may find a big empty space in my head........I am having a fuzzy day.

I am peeved though.I was due to recieve my Humira injection delivery on Monday and it didnt turn up, I went down to my rheumys office at the hospital as i have changed from syringes to pens to see if there was a problem with my prescription.The was a really dappy receptionist on who said there is no one in the office until next wednesday and when i asked her for the number for the Humira office, she said "sorry but i dont know it"..........so now I have no Humira.

On a happier note: 

Peace & Love...Neasy

Neasy- ask for an open MRI ,Its not  a tunnel like the other one.Tok ages in the UK to get my results.

Anna- I hope you feel better now, you have a great weeknd too
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