anyone taking ZOCOR?? | Arthritis Information


TAKING FOR CHOLESTERAL PROBLEMS AND TO LOWER RISK OF STROKE AND HEART ATTACK SINCE I GOT DIAGNOSED WITH MITRAL VALVE PROLAPSE.   A SERIOUS SIDE EFFECT IS MUSCLE DAMAGE.  WHICH BRINGS ME TO MY NEXT QUESTION, I'M HAVING SORE MUSCLES BUT NOT SURE IF IT'S THE RA, FIBRO OR THE DRUG.   ANY IDEAS?I am taking Zocor Karen.  I have had hereditary cholesterol issues for years.  I have muscle aches from the many statins I have taken on and off over the years.  All statins can do it!   When I was dx with ra they put me back on low dose zocor.  Drs. concern that ra raises risk of heart attack.  RD says the zocor muscle aches may have been ra.  Who knows.  Try taking slow niacin, CO Q 10 and fish oil.  Be careful if you go to an herb store.  They will recommend red rice yeast.  It is very effective but  it is a statin.  In fact, it is the source for all the prescription statins.  The supplements I mentioned will lower your cholesterol and then you can lower your zocor.  I have recommended this to many people and it really does work.  I am on lowest dose zocor.  My cholesterol on these herbs and meds went from 330 to 165!!!!  I am only on 10 mg zocor.  Good luck.  Roxanne THANKS ROXY; I'M ON 20 MG ZOCOR NOW TILL MY NUMBERS GET LOWER.  IT'S HARD TO DISTINGUISH WHICH IS CAUSING YOUR PAIN! IS IT THE MEDS, THE RA OR THE FIBRO CAUSING THE PAIN??

I take Zocor too (20mg).  Have the same hereditary problem also.  Ate right, exercised, quit smoking, even quit having a drink once in awhile.  But, it still was there. 
I thought the same thing Karen,  How much of this pain that I am having is from all the other medications that I am on.  A lot of the side effects, of the medications do say you can have joint pain with them. What did Einstein once say,  " all things are relative"  Looks like he may be right...LOL.
Hope you all are having a wonderful weekend.
I took zocor, also have hereditary issue and not a lifestyle problem.   After I started taking fish oil for my RA the cholesterol , total and ratios were so good, I was able to quit the Zocor.  Zocor really worked on me Total cholesterol went from 315  to 135   in 6 weeks on Zocor.

Hi Karen.  I am not on Zocor but when I came down with RA last year every muscle in my body hurt. 


Karen...I read your question and remembering that everyone can react differently to meds,  I thought I would post what happened to me on Zocor. 

I was on Zocor and it really lowered my cholestrol level.  I didn't though, realize my increased pain came from it until I read the association between muscle pain and Zocor in an article.  And how dangerous that side effect can be.  So I talked to my doctor who advised me to stop taking it and when I did my extreme muscle pain decreased.  So I waited a while and tested it again (because I also wondered if it could be my illness) in a very low dose only to have the same extreme pain reaction about a week after starting it.  So ofcourse I haven't taken it since.  I just heard though, of another one that a friend said did not give her muscle pain like the others. I am going to ask the doctor about.   Hope this information helped and thanks for telling me about fish oil.  I will try that too! 

Susan Lee