Looking for other Lupus posters | Arthritis Information



justsaynoemore2009-06-20 05:51:59


justsaynoemore2009-06-20 05:52:22Hi, I'm in a similar situation like you. I posted in the RA board until recently I went to another rheumy and he thinks I have lupus. I was not diagnosed with RA but I thought it was RA. Anyway, you can try to go to http://www.thelupussite.com/forum/. It is a board specially for people with lupus. =)And yeah, you should probably switch to a lupus forum. Most people seem to have RA here so not much is going on in this section of the forum. See ya at thelupussite forum.


justsaynoemore2009-06-20 05:52:45

I'm sorry to her about your condition but don't give up hope. I've just turned 18 and I'm also struggling to understand what is going on with my body and everything. I'm not sure about a forum for thyroid dieases, but you can really get a lot of help and support from others suffering similar conditions as you because they understand you. And I've come to realised that it is important to have such support so join as many forum as you want. Lol.


 Hey Justsaynoemore,  I'm not quite sure how these conditions are diagnosed....  Which is why I attend a Lupus support group.  But most people that have Lupus have some other condition also,  R.A. or mixed connective tissue, ecetera, ecetera....  Go to The Lupus Foundation of America at www.lupus.org --they also have a magazine named Lupus Now.  I posted the other infor under the Lupus link.  I'm in the opposite position Lupus is now in remission or not so active but the Arthritis is more active....   - and everyone there has been great.  I still am an active member on the arthritis board - because my RA seems to be more active than my lupus.
I have had RA most of my life, though it was in remission from age 20 to about 45, but recently got the Lupus diagnosis also. Though I do have RA too, I find the RA board here quite clique-y; seldom get any response to my posts.   I will try the lupus board mentioned above.
Wow - that was a long remission - how wonderful!
Oh - I'm sorry to hear you feel that way about the board - I've only been here a week or so - but everyone seems wonderful! The Lupus section here seems a bit slow - so I'm going to keep posting on the previously mentioned website - hope to see you there!
Tried to register at the lupus site but there was some kind of snafu.  Rats.All of these posts seem to be made a long while ago.
However this info may still be relevant to those that suspect lupus. 
As I understand it lupus is the evasive disease named after the wolf where the wolf roams
the body attacking soft organs and the immune system while doing so.  Not every scientific explanation but means to doctors that it is hard to detect and pin point until it is advanced.
Here is a website with more scientific expalantion and eleven symptoms that may occur.
As the lupus spreads or the woldf moves the entire body system is weakened gradually while the docyors treat the most apparent cause at teh moment and not detect the overal sickness until a pattern is present.  

Yeah! I agree with you.

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