who here goes to pain mgmt? | Arthritis Information


I'm back from the beach early due to too much pain and needing to be back in my own bed. I've considered pain management for awhile, but not entirely sure what it entails. I used to take pain meds years ago due to ruptured disc in my back from a car accident. I ended up abusing them and was addicted. I fear pain meds now, but also am really struggling with the pain. What does a pain management clinic/doctor do? Anyone care to share their experience? Thanks. love and light gentle hugs, J

So sorry you had to cut your weekend short.  That sucks.  I've never had to go to pain management but from what I hear it can be very effective.  They use different methods so maybe with the combination meds and other methods you may be able to manage your pain better without the risk of addiction.

PS. congrats on beating it.

Pammy, I wish I could say I beat the addiction, but truth is, I'm on suboxone.....which is a withdrawal medication. However, the doc who put me on it hasn't pushed me to get off it yet, so I guess I'm addicted to the suboxone now. I'd like to get off it too (been on it 2 years), but it's the only way I feel like I can get out of bed in the morning.
Hi, Julia

I go to pain mgmt...but for epidurals for my back, but i think they have other things to help you..i don't know what area hurts you?

You will need a referral, wven with a PPO

sorry about not being able to go to beach, that awfulKnowing is a big part of the battle.  At least you can still function and aren't in denial that there is an issue.   I say try pain management, you might find it really helpful.

anne, pretty much everything hurts me. My main pain is in my fingers and hands, but also my knees hurt, as well as where the ruptured and herniated discs in my back are. Also, was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, so wonder if that is why everything hurts.

Beach is no big deal, it's only an hour away and there will be other times. thanks for writing ;)

Hi Julia,

i had it bad in hands, too......until Enbrel came out....i hope you get the right/combo of meds...
it's horrible in the hands, isn't it?

Are they talking surgery for your back?

Hope you sleep good, please try wrist bracesPain management would seem like a good place to coordinate your RA and other health concerns. I was given Gabapentin, but that was before my remicade/mtx/prednisone.(can you believe the way we talk?? like 3 RA meds sounds normal) I hope you can get help and that 'missing' some of the beach get-away wasn't too disappointing. Let us all know how the pain mgmt goes, okay. me

My girlfriend has fibromyalgia and swears by accupuncture for pain. She also gets NAET for allergies done by the accupuncturist, she says that also helps her pain.

Hi Julia, I have been seeing a pain management specialist for about 5 years, now. I actually fought going at first, but my pcp, whom i respected deeply, said he was at the point that he needed to call in a pain specialist to manage that part of my care.

I don't go to a "pain clinic", where there are several docs and you don't always see the same one. My pain doctor is in private practice by herself, but is contracted to most of the large medical groups in this area. She is one of the most compassionate people I've ever known. She knows by looking at me, watching how I move and hearing me talk, how I'm handling my pain when I see her.

We have changed my meds several times over the course of 5 years. I am currently on Methadone 15 mg 4 times per day, with Morphine Sulfate IR (instant relief?) for breakthrough pain. I can take up to 4 30mg tablets per day if I need it.

I have several other health problems, besides RA, which also cause severe pain. My doctor has me e-mail her if I am having worse pain than usual, or anything I need to talk to her about. She always answers me as soon as she can. Always, the same day.

I haven't been "pain-free" for many years. In fact, I can't remember a time when I had no pain. However, she makes sure I am as comfortable as possible. It's still a struggle for both of us, to control my pain, but she doesn't give up on me. She knows I take no more medication than necessary, and sometimes I don't take a dose if it isn't too bad.

Without some type of pain mgm't, I would be bed-ridden. No way to live. I've gone thru the epidurals 3 yrs ago and they didn't help at all. The doc I saw for that was skeptical about it to begin with. My back is very bad with OA DDD scoliosis, stenosis , etc. Had fusion 6/05 on L4-S1.

There comes a time when, much as you might hate the idea, it's pretty much all that is left. Plaquenil hasn't done a thing for me, and I've been on it since Jan.this year. For other health reasons, I cannot take the biologics. When we get to the point where nothing else helps for RA, I will have to go on Rituxan. I'm in no hurry for that.

Be honest with your pain specialist. (I hope you get one like mine). If they can help you, they will. You just might have to be monitored more closely.

I hope everything works out for you

Gentle hugs,


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