update for roxy...and what comes next | Arthritis Information


Roxy, thanks for updating me on what has been going on with you, your RA, Brett and Kelsey. When was your stroke? Was it due to RA? Do you have any symptoms from it now? How did you get your aide??? Are you on disability?

I can't remember where I was with things when we last talked. Still happily married and my son is now 9. I am still working part-time and have opened my own children's mental health counseling agency (Therapy4Kids), also a wish granting organization (Wishes4Kids). Health has had it's ups and downs. Heart is no worse for the wear (still have cardiomyopathy, but no significant episodes of congestive heart failure lately). RA is progressing, but I'm still not at a point where I am strongly considering disability. I am hopeful that another med added to the mix will help. I see my rheumatologist on Wednesday to discuss next step. I'm guessing injectibles? What comes after methotrexate anyhow?

Hubby appears ready for bed. Better sign off. Love, j

JuliahRA39249.8445601852Probably a mix of metho with plaquenil or arava.  Then on to the big guns.Pammy, what meds are considered the big guns? I started out with plaquenil which didn't do anything. I've been on methotrexate nearly a year. Rhemy mentioned adding an injectible with the methotrexate. Would that probably be humira? remicade? how do they decide?JuliahRA39249.8440625enbrel, humira, remicade, they are the big guns.  Your rheumy should be monitoring your progress (or lack thereof) and gradually add what needs to be added.  Sometimes the combination of Methotrexate and Plaquenil or Methotrexate and Arava work better than either one on their own.I am talking to my dr. on the 2nd about Orencia and Rituxen. I have been
on the others and need to move on.

There are lots of options out there and more are in development. An
injectable would be humira or enbrel. Both have worked wonders for
people.Juliah hon,  I am really sick right now.  I will write when I have more energy.  I got what Kelsey had.Roxy, I'm not trying to make trouble here as I know you are stressed right
now but this OP asked you how you were doing and you blew her off. But
then I see your OT thread is busy busy busy. Maybe you could at least act
like you care about juliah.


I was on MTX for years before they added Humira. It did make a huge difference in the way I felt. Plaquinel might also me an option w/MTX too. They say the two together are much more effective. If you are worried about the injections then this might be an option to try before resorting to that. They really aren't that big of a deal though.

Hope things go well at the doctor.

Congratulations on your agencys! That sounds really fantastic. I'm sure that's really rewarding. Good for you!

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