would you like your story published??? | Arthritis Information


HI Everyone!

My name is Laura or L.J. I am a 20 year old from south jersey who is trying to put together a book of stories told by those who suffer or knows someone who suffers with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. I want to hear from everyone (parents, the child not matter what age!, friends, family members, co-workers, doctors....EVERYONE!!! I have personally lived with this disease since I was 9 years old. The disease has been very difficult to control. I remember being young and just wanting to read others stories about living with this disease. when I would go to my local library the search engine would bring up one book about a girl with jra and it was a bit outdated. please help me share your story!!!!

In your story please dont hold nothing back. do not be afraid about the length. if it must be shortened it will be edited and then sent to you for approval. If your story is chosen for my book there will be documents that will eventually have to be signed so i will need to contact you. as of right now no contact information other than your email is needed.

AS to what you can include in your story..like i said it is unlimited. Your are more than welcome to follow the day you were diagnoised to the current day. Another option is to tell a part of you life for example whatit was like to be diagnoised...or maybe a day when you were teased for walking different. I dont mean to be repetitive but please share everything! There is nothing greater than being able to connect with others feel like you are not alone.


Thank you to everyone who sends in their story!!!!

all stories can be sent to shareyourarthritisstory@yahoo.com

Ahhh, a worthy project and I wish you every success.  Unfortunately, I have Adult Onset Still's Disease, which is the same as systemic onset JRA.  I didn't get the disease until I was an adult.that sounds great! ill try and write somthing....
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