Exhausted...Enbrel?? | Arthritis Information


Hi all!

As some of you know, I started back on Enbrel a few days ago.  The problem is, I am completely exhausted.  I battle with chronic fatigue on a daily basis and didn't think it could be worse...but THIS IS worse.  Could it be the Enbrel or just coincidence?  I'm supposed to go back to work in a couple of days and this has me quite worried.

Peace & Love....Neasy


Give it a week. I always called it my happy drug. Sure did take away my fatigue. Good luck with it.


I've been on Enbrel for about a year. I'm tired, no, that doesn't even come close to explaining it. I'm either soooo exhausted I feel like I can't stop sitting and staring ahead like a zombie, or I have little spurts of energy when I can maybe fold some laundry, vacuum, then lay down for a while. I sort of think it's due to the warm weather but I don't know. It feels like the tired I was when I was pregnant. It's indescribable. I hope you start feeling better soon.

Thanks for the posts! 

When I was on Enbrel during the 2-year study I still battled with chronic fatigue.  However, I didn't know during the study which drugs were placebo and which were real drugs as it was a blind study.  The only medication we knew for sure was real was MTX.  It was at my last visit with the RD that we both found out that I was in fact administering real Enbrel.

Honey....you tagged it!!  That's exactly how I'm feeling, like a zombie.  The smallest thing I do leaves me feeling like I've just climbed Mt. Everest (I wish).  I guess I'm a bit disappointed as I was hoping that I'd find out that I was not on Enbrel during the study and now Enbrel would give me the "Energy" I've heard so many others talk about.

I really never thought I could feel more exhausted and beat up than I already did.  When people have asked me what the fatigue feels like I've often told them it's much the same as when you have the flu, feeling all weak, tired and puny only on top of that, drag a 100 pound body around behind you.  I guess my 100 pound body friend must of gained some weight!

Peace & Love....Neasy


Neasy and all,

Here is a suggestions you can try for fatigue. It helps almost 100 % of people that try it.

As often as you can go outside and get some sunshine, try to do more than 5 minutes. Go outside and take a sunshine shower.

Take this medicine and get back with me in 7 days.


 Thanks Lev....will do!Describes how I feel to a T Neasy and I am on Humira weekly! Levlarry, I like to drag myself outside w/a drink (seltzer water or tea) and sit in my little (very little) vegetable garden. I pick and weeds a little, prune my tomato plants, take deep breaths. I LOVE summer. That little spot in my yard makes me forget pain, stress, obligations etc.


The hardest part for me is to get myself going. Once i get myself going i love being up and at 'em. I too love summer and spring and the fall and the first month of winter and the first snowfalls. I love that i can now function with-out so much pain. Once so much of my pain was gone so did my depression because there is life after RA. Hooray. I love waking up every morning. I love my mom for worrying about me all the time. Oh yeah, winters seem just a couple of months to long, and i tend to hibernate.


Neasy I don't think it is the enbrel. It helped me get over the 'draggin' lady feeling. I hope you perk up soon.

Lev's sunshine trick works for me on the mornings when I just can't wake up enough to get to work.

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