how does the med ladder typically work... | Arthritis Information


I'm wondering what order meds are generally introduced. I started on plaquenil, then methotrexate (along with prednisone). Is there a particular drug that generally comes next. Is is something like this:



methotrexate and enbrel

methotrexate and humira

methotrexate and remicade


Can anyone enlighten me? Thanks, j


I can't tell you how the typical ladder works because from what I've read, I'm a bit atypical. I've had RA for 12 years. The first 3 years or so I was on methotrexate. My RA wasn't well controlled at all during that time. I added Enbrel after 3 1/2 years and it made a world of difference for me. I'm not in remission but I feel good almost all of the time.

SarahAlot of your med progression depends on what your insurance will
improve when. MTX is almost always first in the eyes on insurance
companies. When it comes to the biologics, different plans have different
qualifications.Hi, from what i'v followed on this forum I'd say the Enbrel/Humira/Remicade can be switched around. I went right to mtx/remicade (my doc said they work pretty much the same, and my insurance paid for 80% of the remicade. Good questions though. I started with plaq, (about 3 years) then to methotrexate. The prednisone was always 'until the other drugs worked, you can't stay on it long!!