Exercising with swelling | Arthritis Information


Is it safe to exercise with swelled body parts?

I have been wanting to lose my last 20+ pounds, and have decided that in order to lose my extra baggage and tone my muscles (got lots of muscle loss from uncontrolled inflammation and pred).

So.... is it a good idea to exercise when a couple of body parts are swelled and have limited ROM? Or how about if your right knee is acting up and is swelled, and will not straighten or bend and is stuck in one position?



 Joonie you can not even have decent sex without being laid up for days, how in the world do you think you can exercise safely????Get yourself in a pool. That will be non-weight bearing.

LMAO @ genesis!! Hey! I resemble that remark!

Becky - I have an in-ground pool in my yard. I just cannot get in it because it makes me swell and get stiff within minutes of being in there. I tried a couple of times last summer and each time, I could literally feel my joints swell and get stiffer. I had to have my hubby help me out of the pool because I was so stiff and hurting so bad.

I guess I am one of those that needs to have a heated pool. You can exercise, but you have to back off from what is normal for you. If you don't normally exercise, then starting when you're swelled isn't too good of an idea without a doctor's ok. When in PT, they had me back off and some days, they just sent me home. It is better to skip a day than to hurt yourself. If you are having continuous problems them pool therapy is the best. Whatever you do, make sure that your doctor approves it.  See if you Dr. will prescibe hydrotherapy. That way it will be in a heated
therapy pool. I did that for a number of months. Cold water can be evil
for us. Therapy pools are in the 90 degree range. Just add bubbles and
it would be a bath!My Rhuemy told me to get on the treadmill for at least 20 minutes a day.   We have a very nice gym at the college and I really tried to go there after work and before I had to pick my daughter up from school but I just wanted a nap. My first class was at 6:50 am so there was no way I was getting on my treadmill at home that early.  I would need to be up a couple of hours for that.

We live in eastern WA and it is high, dry desert and HOT in the summer.  My husband and I signed up for a class in the evening working out in the pool.  We will see how that goes.

I am still trying to figure out my Rhuemy sometimes.  She is a tiny Chinese woman and she tells me that if pred makes me hungry, just eat a carrot and to walk 20 minutes in the morning.  Well, if I could do that I probably would not be in seeing the Dr! And if pred made me want carrots I guess people would not ever gain weight. Oh well,

at minimum you should be doing a complete set of range of motion exercises daily.

check with your doctor for other limitations but generally, even with some inflammtion, gentle low impact exercise is considered ok.

Well, the visit before last, my RD told me to exercise to help me to get rid of my fatigue. And at the time I was in there. I was not on Humira just 10mg of pred and my knees were swelled and I was having a hard time moving around. I just figured he "forgot" that I was not on Humira because of infections. He is a very old and forgetful man. I mean at one point he vividly remembers giving me a physical exam and how I reacted when he moved what joint, BUT he never gave me one. I did not want to tell him any different because... I was in pain and did not want to go thru all that torture of moving my joints.

I think I will try my walking exercise tape again, just will not walk the whole mile, which I could never do anyways. Not in one sitting at least.

Opera is on and has her trainer or weight loss guy on with her. They are really giving some good tips right now. I do not know what channel oprah is on, for our channel set up. I use to know when we had anntenna(sp?) Now I am lost with all these channels.

Turn it on Joonie. They are giving some really good weight loss tips.

Since water is out because it is too cold, I think you could try your walking tape. Please wear good supportive shoes, otherwise I can guarantee foot agonies, carpet is better than hard floors. Start with only 5 minutes. If you are OK try 5 more minutes in 2 or 3 hours. My doc say you don't have to do a 30 minute walk - 6 five minute walks are just as good.

If you can dump that weight you will be able to do more with less pain.

Best Wishes! I'm headed for the pool. So what if hubby has to help me in and out - stupid steps are too tall - about 14 inches instead of 6 to 8 inches like a regular step. 

yeah the pool is too cold for me. Hubby & the kids went swimming in the pool saturday and they only stayed in for an hour, and mind you the temp was 90 degrees and humid. They stayed for only an hour because son had purple lips and was shivering. Yeah, and this was in the middle of the afternoon. I think it was cold because it drops down to the mid 60's at night, from the mid-90's thru the day, and makes the water cold again.
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