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Hello everyone!!  Sorry i havent been around much.. Ive checked in though.  About 2 months ago i was admitted into the hospital for a ruptured ovarian cyst and Wednesday of last week I started having the same pain agin so off again i went to the ER. Would have called the dr but my phone had no more minutes and she would have just sent me there anyway.  So 9 hrs, tons of blood work (which they gave me the results which ive NEVER gotten from the hospital), an internal and regular ultrasound and a CT later they were finally able to tell me what was wrong with me.  I have a UTI, pelvic inflamatory disease and the ovarian cyst again (though it wasnt ruptured this time thankfully).  So they gave me 3 different antibiotics and some pain meds and told me to follow up with my dr.  Has anyone else had PID?  I havent had a UTI in so long i forgot how much i HATE cranberry juice. lol Hope everyone is doing well

Get better soon!

Sorry, shannon. MAN! I LOVE me some cranberry juice! I drink it even when I did not have bladder infections. I just like the tart taste. I would drink OJ for the tart taste, but OJ upsets my stomach and makes me feel sick.

Hope the antibiotics get ya back on the road to recovery.


I have had UTI & Bladder infections frequently in the past and I took some cranberry pills I got OTC in the drug store. This might be a better option for you Shannon. Their easy!Shannon, sorry you are going through this, hope you feel better soonwell i had called the dr today for the results of my oh so wonderful pelvic exam and the cultures they had done and she just called back saying that the cultures were negative so i guess its only my stupid UTI and the cyst  :(  but id rather just have those then w/ the PID Oh, I'm sorry you had such a bad time, Shannon.  Definitely no what you needed!  That's great news that you don't have PID, though.  I am very glad about that.  Hope the antibiotics get ya feelin' better quickly.  Are they planning on doing anything for your ovarian cyst, or just taking a wait-n-see approach?


 Poor you Shannon, sorry you're having so much of our lovely female trouble. I could write a book on PID's and UTI's but I'll try not too since I just wrote a "book" earlier about my sister. I thought I was dying my first ovarian cyst it was so painful, my gyno prepped me for surgery because he thought it was a tubal pregnancy

 Hope you feel better soon, and if anyone suffers from internal hemmeroids

Hillhoney.. Yea we are doing the wait-and-see approach right now.  The dr said that the next time i want to get preggo it will be hard for me to

 Funny but my ovarian cysts always gave immediate relief when they rupture. I have ran a fever though. My largest was the size of ping pong ball and smallest was size of pecans. Never had to have surgery for them. The only good thing about menopause is no more cysts, fibroids, or endometriosis! I had them all the last 5 yrs before meno. God Bless and take care...

Shannon, if you don't like the cranberry juice, I know you can get cranberry
capsules at the health food store. I'm not sure how many are equilivant to a
glass of juice but I'm sure the bottle will give the guidelines. Glad it was not
all bad news. Hope you're feeling better soon,  really soon!!
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