Increasing pred: back to square one? | Arthritis Information


My rheum told me to increase my pred from 5 up to 10 mg and I saw my gp today who also thought I should increase. IN the meantime, my drs are now not certain of the diagnosis because I am not responding to the immuran. Prednisone seems to be the only thing that works.

I go to Cleveland Clinic in August for a 2nd opinion and want to come back down to 5 mg before that appt so I can tell if the immuran is working (I will have been on a higher dose about 3 months then). Anyone know how long it will take for the effects of the higher dose of prednisone to wear off? I am thinking from my experience it will be about 1-1/2 weeks.

I am so discouraged to think I have gone through all this testing for 2 years and they still are not sure what is wrong. I am about ready to give up on it and just stop taking everything to see what happens, but I know I need to at least keep at this through the appt at CC.



You worry too much. 10 mgs. of prednisone is not a very high amount. You need to relax into this stuff.


P.S. Prednisone wears off quite quickly. I can generally feel the wear off with-in 22-30 hours, each hour is more agonizing.

Laker, depends on the person but 24-48 hours is the timeframe for Pred.  When you're not taking Pred. your body (adrenals) produce approximately 7.5 mg. of steroid per day.  This is the amount your body requires.  When you start Pred your adrenals stop producing on their own.  10mg of Pred. isn't much and if it's helping you until you can get to the Cleveland Clinic why not just stay on it?  If you really feel you need to taper, do it slowly.  1mg every week till you're down to whatever mg. you want to be.  I've been on Pred for so long that my adrenals have stopped producing and won't start again.  Can't get those suckers jump started, so I have to stay at 7.5 mg. for ........? Good luck at CC.  I sure hope they have the answers for you.  Lindy 


have faith!  I am totally off of Pred for right now.  I have been for about 2 weeks.  I feel like I am in excellent control of my RA (today


Lin, I guess you know how I feel about Pred. I do have a question. Why are
the doctors that are prescribing this med, not giving this med every other
day, as recommended in the PDR so that the adrenals can take a day to
recover? It seems as though the doctors are really not following the
guidelines. Am I not understanding this right? Or is the drug being abused
by the doctors that are prescribing it, not taking into consideration of how
the patients will suffer in the end?