Feeling really bad today | Arthritis Information


OOOOOOHHHHHHH BOY!! Its back again. Flaring just hits when you least expect it.I woke up this morning and after my bath I had to lay down as i felt sick.Thought maybe it was just a too hot bath but now the aches and swelling have started and have no will to do anything.Tiredness is setting in too but it could be the weather as we had an almighty storm in the night.My little finger joint looks bruised and weird, i have developed soft squishy looking lumps on my other knuckles too. My fingers dont hurt funny enough but my knees and toes are in agony.. I am keeping a diary of what i have been doing and eating but no difference there, just the Humira injection........maybe its that!!I am sorry you're not feeling well.  Don't try to push yourself through it. You take it easy and rest today and maybe it will just be a real short flare of one day!  I hope you feel better soon. I hope it is a warm, sunny day there. Maybe it will make you feel better.Hope your pain goes away quickly. hi lisa
really sorry youre feeling so bad, perhaps the humira will kick in soon?  over the past few weeks when Ive been feeling really bad I tried baths with Dead-Sea salts (from Boots) - you get about 4 baths in a pack for about £7-8. It says on the box for "arthritic conditions".
It was a bit like taking my life in my hands as I had problems getting out the bath but I did feel better for it.   Is there anything like that you can do  that might bring temporary relief?   I'd bring some Dead-Sea bath salts round for you to try but Im completely on the other side of London nr Hertfordshire.
anna_uk39253.2869212963Oh Lisa, I'm sorry.  It's terrible when it hits you out of the blue like that.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the Humira will help instead of hurt.  Get some rest and stay off of those feet.



 So sorry Lisa, hope this flare passes quickly and you feel better soon.

  Don't push yourself and try to rest...God Bless You ...

I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling well Pin. Try to just relax today and take care of you.

Hope you feel better soon.

I hope you feel better soon, Pin. In the meantime, pamper yourself.  After a year, I'm finally beginning to feel that I'm able to do so without guilt! A biggie for me I hope today brings relief for you.Feels better soon, sending love and hugs.

I sorry Pin, I hope you get to feeling better real soon.


Hope you feel better as the day goes along.  Be good to yourself
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