Side Effects | Arthritis Information


This was a link I posted in another thread.  The question was on the side effects of biologics vs AP.  AP has a side effect of Minocin-Induced-Lupus which is used to scare people away from AP.  Things that your doctor might not tell you are "stop the drug and the Lupus goes away".  There is also testing to see if you are susseptibe to MIL which your doc can do.  If you are susseptible then you can choose Doxy or Zith or other antibiotics.  Did any of you ever inquire about AP and be told you could get MIL but not be told the last.  I was.  And so was my mother.

My question is - did your doctors tell you of these side effects for your drug of choice?  Did you ever verify what he said by checking the PDR.  Why or why not?

Ok, I have another question, did anybody find the docs response to that poor woman with RA and MS to be condescending?  I did but when I posted this question on AF website months ago I received no replies.


The link would be helpful, no?


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When I first approached my RD about AP she told me AP could induce
"other AI diseases" (or problems---I can't remember which word she
used), but I researched it more and when I went and INFORMED her I
would be doing AP she conceded it was a proven therapy and told me she
had a couple of other patients doing it that were doing okay on it. She
said she used to be opposed to it but she's become much more open
minded about it, and basically said she was "out of her element" with it
but willing to give it a shot. We talked a bit about what would happen on
the therapy and I could tell she didn't know what a herxheimer reaction
was (although she does now). That's why I'm easing into AP very slowly,
to avoid a bad herx so it won't send my treatment off track from her
perspective. I've grown to quite like and appeciate my RD and I'd like to
keep working with her.

Where I get treated they're really big on patients learning and driving their
own health care car---they call it "having a plan"---so I think they're
pleased when patients do a lot of research and really take an active part
in their treatment. They encourage you to have copies of your medical
records and a copy of my lab results now get sent to my home at the
same time they're sent to my "health team". The professionals I've talked
to there are the first to admit they don't know everything and that goes a
long way in my book in terms of credibility and mutual respect. I think I
might be having a different experience than many people out there and
believe me, for that I'm grateful!Hey Pip! I read the Q&A but I think I feel so sorry for the woman I can't read
the "tone" of the reply. I've been told about biologics by a lot of people at
Arthritis school and they never mention these serious side effects. Once I
asked a nurse if she's ever seen anyone develope MS from a biologic and she
said "no", but she also thought the rate of AI diseases was 1 in 1000 and I
know it's more like 1 in a 100. I know MS happens but I guess the rate is
quite low or something? (no idea, really---I hope to never have to find out!)