New here - have a question | Arthritis Information


I've never posted on any board before and have been dealing with this on my own since I was told I had it.

I was diagnosed with RA roughly 7-8 years ago.  Was put on methotrexate.  Took 4 pills once a week 2.5 mg each.  I've had good days and rougher days but I'm dealing. I have blood tests every other month.  Tests are fine so far

Is RA hereditary?  Absolutely no one in my family has ever had RA as far back as we can go.

Recently started seeing new NP as old one moved to different medical group.  At the first visit with new NP she bumped me up to 8 pills per week (20 mg).  I thought there was a max. dose you could take. Is anyone here on 20mg?

Seeing I've only seen her once so far, I'm rather scared she doesn't know what she is doing.

any response is appreciated.


Chiavet, when I was diagnosed my rheumy instantly put me on 20mg/week
mtx AND 400mg/day hydroxychloroquine. 20 or 25 is about he max
although I've seen a few people say they were on 30. The current truth is the
faster and harder you hit the disease the better the long term prognosis is.

Welcome to the board---there's lots of good info here.PS---be sure to keep up with your blood tests!

There is no specific known cause for RA though there are a lot of theories.  As far as we know right now there is not a specific genetic link with RA though the susceptibilty for an autoimmune disease is very likely to be genetic.  That susceptibility is probably a spontanous mutation of a gene vs one that is passed from parent to child

20mg of MTX is a fairly common dose.  If you are still having bad days that indicates your disease still is not under control.  Hopefully  the higher dose will do the trick. Keep up with your blood work 

Hi Cyn,,welcome!

I've been taking 25mgs of methotrexate for a while now. Been taking mtx for about 15 years now. 

I'm the only one in my family to have RA that I know of.

when i was on methotrexate i was put on 20mgs straight away. now i am taking arava


I was started on 6 pills MTX then bumped up to 8 pills weekly (20mg) after 2 months. So for last month been on the 8 weekly with no major side effects but unfortunately no real improvement either. Starting a biologic as well in the next couple of weeks. Also on 5mg Folic Acid daily which may be why I am not having side effect problems. Hope this helps and good luck.



Hi Cyn,

I take 8 pills weekly because of an unusual flare up, the most I ever took before was 7, then was down to 4 for 'maintenance'. As you'll read below I also take Remicade, and am almost off of prednisone (1-1/2 today, rah!!) I'm going to ask it I can try to reduce either the mtx (methotrexate), or the amount of the Remicade....I feel like it is working for me and I am probably on a huge amount of medication right now. Don't want too much, but also don't want problems either???!! This sorting out of what we take and in what amounts is a constant subject on this board. When you feel better you can ask for a reduction, but you risk swollen, painful, stiff, joints. Be prepared to go up and down on the meds. Good luck....

Welcome to the board , so glad you posted.


I take 25mg of MTX. Not unusal at all to be at 20.

Welcome to AI. Glad you're here.

Glad I found this place and thanks for all the replies.  I feel better about the 8 pills and the Folic acid

Hi and welcome to the board.  Sorry for the late welcome but I was out sick lol. 

For me, RA is hereditary.  It is on the maternal side of the family.  Right now 2 out of 3 of my daughters have been dx'd with it.  This is not necessarily the case for everyone with RA.  If you look back, what you may find is a history of auto immune diseases somewhere in the family tree.  This is not always the case either.  The thinking now with researchers and docs that the RA starts as a bacteria (giving credence to AP therapy) and for whatever reason we are under stress and the immune system goes a little wacko and sends that bacteria into our joints etc.  Viola, you now have RA. 

I am on 20mg of mtx but I inject.  The highest dose is 25mg. 

You will find great knowledgeable and caring people here.  Keep the questions coming!!!
