Finally - We May Be Onto Something | Arthritis Information


So I went for my rheumy appointment today.  This is my second time seeing him, the first was 6 months ago for a preliminary work-up.  I went in expecting to hear the same old thing, you just have OA, caused by my being overweight, and wearing out my weight bearing joints.  I truly went in expecting to come out with nothing new to go on, or to explain why I ache all over, not just in my weight-bearing joints.  Why did I just get hit with what seemed like sudden onset OA which is spreading everywhere?  And why is this all my fault?

Well, all of RF factors, sed rate, ANA, everything came out normal again.  Nope, I don't have that I guess, my problem is all my fault for being fat, I guess.  BUT NO - there was something very interesting in my blood tests!!!  I am severely deficient in Vitamin D.  Your body usually gets Vitamin D from sunlight and from drinking milk.  Guess what two things I have always been allergic to?  Sunlight and milk products!  I grew up never drinking milk because it made me sick, and I get extreme PMLE rashes and feel ill when I'm in the sun for very long, so I try to stay out of the sun as much as possible.  (PMLE is polymorphic light eruptions).

I take a multi-vitamin with Vitamine D in it everyday and have for many years, as well as fish oil capsules which are rich in Vitamin D.  I also take calcium and magnesium supplements every night.  I thought I was well covered.  NOPE.

Vitamin D is key in modulating the immune system.  I have developed two known auto-immune diseases so far!  I don't know which came first - the chicken or the egg on this, but it does make me wonder.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to osteomalacia, - it's like rickets for grown-ups!  That probably explains all my weird aches and pains, the rapid deterioration of my hips and knees, my fatigue and muscle weakness.  And--- it may also be a factor in my high blood pressure.  Amazing!

So it's something for all of you to stay on top of and consider.  Vitamin D deficiency can come along with prednisone use, so some of you might have problems related to low Vitamin D that you have been attributing to your RA!  Or if you are still undiagnosed like me  -- have your Vitamin D level checked.

I came home with a prescription for Calcitriol for the deficiency problem.  He also gave me a cortizone shot in the knee, and scripts for Ultram and Phenteramine (which is to help me loose weight!!!!).  He is going to do an MRI of my pelvic area, which will show him both hips and lower spine.  I go back in 3 months, unless he sees something in the MRI that he needs to see me sooner.

So there you go, and I'm a dirty bird.  I am excitied that this Calcitriol may take away some of my pain, but if it doesn't, the Ultram may help too!  And if the phenteramine works, maybe I can get some of this weight off too!



Hey, great news Karen!  My doctor told me about the vit D thing back in January and I have been taking very high doses along with calcium.  I have seen it mention in several articles I have read on line in the past as well, sorry, don't have any on hand, just remember reading about the link in the past!

Keep us posted on the diet pill.  I have a good 60 pounds to lose myself and if it helps, I'd be interested!!  Is this a new pill on the market and what are they saying the most common side effects are?  I have been leery to take any diet pills just because I am on so many other drugs but I have got to lose some weight and I am just not physically able to exercise much.  The most exercise I get right now, is running the vacuum! Glad you found some answers! I hope you are feeling much better soon! Love and hugs, JuliahKaren- I am sceptical when it comes to the vit D THING. Dont want to burst any bubbles

I don't know why at this stage in my life it has become an issue, I thought I was taking enough supplements to be well covered for both Vit. D and calcium.  And there may be other things we have to explore later on regarding why I am not absorbing Vit. D properly.  We'll see after I try this mega-dose supplement the doctor has prescribed.

Michele, the diet pill has been around for a long time.  It's not something I can take long term, and I have to be very cautious with it, because it may raise by BP.  But as the doctor said, being overweight also raises the BP, so if I can use it for a just a few months (he said no more than 6) I might be able to lose just enough to jump start my metabolism, and to help out with some of my other problems.  Phenteremine has effects on the body like amphetemines, so it does need to be used cautiously and I have to check my BP regularly - he suggested getting a home unit.  Right now I am pretty well maintained by medication, so hopefully this will have minimal effect.  And if it gives me any palpitations or other problems, I won't use it.

Good news, Hillhoney! I hope you are easily fixed with that mega-dose of supplements! Just curious - has anyone else been diagnosed with osteomalacia?Glad you may be on the road to feeling much better. I didnt know anyrhing about the vitamin D and will ask my doctor next visit to check my levels. Super news!!!!  I hope you are on your way to feeling better!!!