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why do they make capri suns so freakin hard to open??? I mean come on!!!!! UGGG

I do not buy them all that much since I do have a hard time jabbing the straw thru. Why torture myself and almost die from dehydration trying to get something to drink


OMG i see you doing that too joonie! LMAO

ohh crap i forgot to post this OT or is it? i mean it IS RA related......


ok so everyone yell at JOONIE!!!!

 I'm yelling at joonie!! WAAAHHHH!!!! I have a BLADDER INFECTION!! Just because she mentioned it!!! And she made me sleepy the other night and I had to go to bed!!! WAAAHHH....If you give me RA I'm huntin" you down girl!!!! WWAAAHHHHH!!!!

 You wannna go with me to hunt her down? Hey guys - I stopped buying juice boxes alltogether because I got so tired of my kids leaving those little plastic straw covers all over my house! Always on the floor, this little clear shiny thing. THAT drove me nuts. Now they have to actually open a cabinet, take out a cup and pour a drink for themselves - poor dears!   Straw cover trick (because I hate them, too) - leave it attached to the juice box and just push the straw out the bottom. The pointy part that breaks into the juice box is pointy enough to break the clear plastic. Slip it out and then the clear plastic is still stuck to the juice box.

No, my 4 yr. old can't manage that (I'm working on it!), but that is how I do it when I'm driving and don't want that all over the car.

Oh now I am handing out bladder infections and UTI! Anyone else want one? They are FREE!!

Com'on you know ya wanna join in on the lastest RA rage

I HATE the pill bottles! I always get hubby to get my meds so I do not have to struggle and then get annoyed and then throw the pill bottle at the wall, in hopes of opening it!

Pill Bottles, Capri Sun's and Double Big Mac's are the devil.... I tells ya!

   Joonie, you ain't right girl!!!

I was referring to the California Raisins! And since you said happy cows come from California, but I am not that OLD, to be a cow, just a heifer.
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