Muscle Pain... | Arthritis Information


How many of you have muscle pain and weakness associated with RA?

Pain:    My calves (around my shins) feel as though they are bruised. Kind of like I had a severe charlie horse. But I didn't. They are so sore!!!

Weakness:   I have noticed that it has become increasingly difficult to keep my arms up for extended periods of time. Like washing my hair in the shower. By the time I am through with my shower, I am exhausted and my arms have that weak shake to them.

Is this normal in RA? I e-mailed my PCP's nurse tonight asking if he could refer or prescribe me to an "Aquatic Program." I have a treadmill, but my feet feel like they have no cushion, so it makes it very difficult to exercise.

I am very concerned about losing muscle strength. If it's not from the RA, then what?
I had the hair wasshing issue when my ra was out of control.  I do not know if it is losing muscle strength or not.  Since I am doing better I do not have the problem anymore. 

Blessed, for me it's called muscle wasting and it comes along with RA and inflammation.  When I was diagnosed and for a long period of time it was due to fatigue.  After that period of time with no exercise due to pain and inflammation wasting set in.  I think we all have the muscle fatigue and pain to a certain extent.  Some are diagnosed with fibro and others don't have all the symptoms of fibro but still have painful and fatigued muscles. 

Since the inflammation and pain is under control I'm stronger and my muscles don't feel so tired.  Have been doing a little exercise and that's probably helping me out.  The aquatic program will help you, I guarantee it.  That's my form of exercise and I love it.  Lindy 

One thing I noticed in the last year that I have RA is when I get tired or over do it, I start to shake with the muscle weakness to the point where I feel sick or like I am going to pass out.

I agree with LinB. I used to swim all the time in the ocean, lake, river etc.  I haven't been able to exercise for so long, it has been depressing.  It takes all I have to just go to work. 

I started my swim workout this week and it has been great (except the first day because I didn't listen to my body and overdid it).  I already feel more energy and more mobility. 

RA is a systemic disease, so no parts are exempt is my understanding.  When I was at the rheumy's yesterday I commented that I thought my ligaments and tendons were in in worse shape than my joints.  He said "It's all part of it!"  Washing my hair and braiding it became so difficult for me at one time that I cut my very long hair (butt length) up to shoulder length.  Sometimes days go by without me being able to brush my hair, other times, it's not so bad. 

By all means, do the aquatic program.  It has given me a new lease on life.  I feel very tired when I finish my three time a week program, but strangly energized at the same time.  I'm going to go 5 days a week (with rheumy's blessing) in the fall.  I highly recommend water exercise programs designed for arthritics for anyone.  Try it, you'll like it!

The aquatic program sounds great to me. I know so many people who go 3 times a week!! My strength has not come back after being 'laid up' for 6 months, now" , I can't hit the golf ball  nearly as far as I used to, and staying out on the tennis court for 2 hours would be unheard of. )this is all in my past life.

I hope the weakness goes away for you, maybe it will depending on the medications you take. lots of luck, Lynda

my husband and I took the most glorious 'hike' up 3 miles into the oak trees here in california , yesterday. There were baby birds everywhere an it smelled so good along one of the creeks. I felt so lucky to be able to 'make it' , i'm taking yoga 2 days a week, and babysitting some newly hatched plover chicks (on my daughter in laws birthday! that was fun), so I'm enjoying moving around and doing things, no major complaints, knock on wood.... Ly

Do you have fibro????  MY muscles are very weak and hurt as well.  My upper arms, thighs, calves, all of it!  Getting massages help and some insurances will pay for them if ordered by your doctor. I feel achy, like I have the flu AL the time.  I agree, the water exercise would be the best.  As soon as I have a bit more energy, I am going to look for a class myself!

 Doing my hair is so hard for me, I also cut my hair, 18 inches of it.  I think it hurts my chest the most, probably the costo.  When I went to Mexico, I had my hair braided into little cornrows, just through the front and top of my head and it was WONDERFUL!!  I could just wash it and go.  I am actually looking for someone locally to braid my hair for me now as it lasted about 5 weeks!

Driving is hard for me as well, just keeping my arms up on the steering wheel.  Vacuuming and making the bed, the list goes on.  Aw, to be healthy again....
check the "Polymyalgia reumatica" topic. Thanks for all your responses! Tonight my left ankle is swollen. This is the first time I have had swelling that I have had noticeable swelling. Hmm...not really painful though. Blessed39255.9109143519In the US, check the Arthritis Foundation website.  Plug in your zip code and it will bring up another page that will have "programs and services" as a link.  Click that and it will tell you where the nearest approved program is for you.  They are usually held at Community Centers, YMCA's etc.  You just have to pay the associated fee for the class.  It is relatively low in my area.I too have a lot of arm muscle and shoulder pain, but as I have PMR as well as Sero Neg. RA, it's probably a bit of both.  My muscles aren't weak, but the burning gets worse if I overdo things, like the cleaning stuff, the grocery bags, and all the stuff that always needs doing.  The meds don't touch it.

There is also a suspiscion of a bit of ulnar nerve entrapment, and waiting to have that looked into after my next RH. visit.

Blow-waving my hair is now a thing of the past, now I have a bob, which I only have to ruffle my fingers through it with a bit of goo, and just let it dry naturally. 

Tonight my arms are pretty sore, but I have had my two wee grandsons with me today, and I just can't resist the playing, the picking up and cuddling and everything that goes with a 3 yr old and an 18 month old.

But I've had a lovely time, so heading off for a bit of TV and my snuggly hot corny bag.   Then later on tonight I will be watching the first race in the final of the America's Cup - Yes - NZ and Alinghi.

I'm sure that I am allowed to be proud Kiwi on a board that has mostly members from USA.  Lisa - I get the shin pains really bad and the calf muscles ache a lot.It was one of my first symptoms and has stayed with me. I als o get lots of discomfort from upper thigh pain . I dont think there is really anywhere its doesnt affect.

I also get it.. right below my knees aches and gets tired.. I have trouble holding my arms up to wash hair also to brush allys hair gets  my arms shaking and tired.

Brushing my teth even with an electric brush tires my arms..

Holding the hose up to water the hanging plants,  its weird.
