methotrexate and sob | Arthritis Information


so i am having shortness of breath, well its really like i cant get enough oxygen into my lungs like tighness,possibly like asthma, i have had this problem ,it comes and goes had it before i started mtx. the weather is very humid here right now. just recently (two weeks ago) i increased my mtx. its not like i am turning blue, but it is bothersome, and like i said it comes and goes. i am concerned about mtx lung,arthrits inflamation? or due to my smoking. i put a call into my rheumy she wont be in until monday. well i take my shot on saturday. dont know if i should take it. any input would be great!

thanks kel

If you are questioning how you feel, I personally would not have the shot until you talk to your doctor. I have mild asthma that tends to bother me more in extreemly humid weather.

I have skipped a week on MTX and did not lose any ground. It wasn't until I had to skip it for several weeks that I went into a mild flare. I got it under control in a few weeks when the MTX was back into my system.

I agree with Less...wait until u speak with your doctor.  I also have been without my mtx for a few weeks and it wasn't too bad.



If i was you (and i was about 16 months ago) i would get to urgent care as fast as possible. I put it off and lost somewhere in the mix, 30% of my left lung.

Up to you.


Yep, lev is right. I have read on my side effect papers from when I use to take that med, to seek medical attention if having trouble breathing. Plus, I have heard it mentioned a few times on this board about it too.

Good Luck

I had this problem with mtx, please see someone A.S.A.P  Let us know what happens.I agree, I'd be off to the ER.  My SOB was caused by a pulmonary clot that almost killed me.  I spent 5 days in ccu and a year on anticoagulants.  LindyHow can you tell for sure if you sob is caused by something serious like mentioned above or by costo?  I have terrible sob and it feels like an elephant is always sitting on my chest.  I have seen doctors recently, just last week in fact, but no one has even listened to my chest or heart lately.  I even went to urgent care over the last weekend in May.  I have had ekgs and chest x-rays but its been a few years now. I have costo but not as bad as you've described.  It I don't go to the ER with chest pain I'm taking the chance of dying.  I have no choice.  It could be another pulmonary clot.  I spent 3 days in hospital last year being evaluated and it turned out to costo.  Better safe than sorry.


 My sister with RA has had asthma for a few yrs but the MTX sent her into a tail spin, Drs. were pretty sure it was the MTX but said it could be RA lung. Her pulmonologist does a CT scan every 3 mos. to see if there are any changes good or bad, so far so good but her breathing is very tight and shallow unless she takes high doses pred. Inhalers help a lot but they're steroids too. It wouldn't hurt to ask for an inhaler just in case of emergency if you are  having breathing difficulties. Good luck to you all....

  Or an EPI Pen  would be even better in an emergency...

 the sob goes away after i take my prednisone. and like i said i had this off and on before i was ever on mtx. I dont have a cough, and i dont have it all the time, but lately it seems to be happening more frequently. at first i thought it may be dehydration, and increase my fluids wich help a bit. but the pred, helps more. it also seems to get worse right before and during the rain..... whats up with that, but also i feel more achey too right before the rain, so maybe it is inflamations R/T my arthritis? I will skip this week mtx. It doesnt seem to be doing any good for me anyhow. i am to start enbril next week, they are dropping it off on tuesday.  My daughters gratuation party is sunday, my sister and her family are staying with me from ark.  so i am a bit stressed out right now



You know of course that if you have lung inflamation it usually means some sort of lung trouble, could be big or small well, you know of course the prednisone takes away inflamation no matter where it is, doesn't cure, just stops inflamation. When i get lung trouble, they usually pred shock and generally doxacycline. I would at least call GM.

Up to you, i still get by minus 30% of my left lung.


Lev, did that happen due to your RA, mtx. or asthma? did it gradually get worse or hit you over night? i am calling my doc on monday, also going to skip my mtx this saturday. And oh yea i have got to quit smoking!!!!!!!!!! I got the prescription for chantix. i just need to pick it up and start taking it!!!!!Now i have another great reason too quit.

thanks kel


It started with shortness of breath, then a cough with white foam, then green mix whith foam, then grey whith mix and then practically black with mix of white foam. I then started coughing and couldn't stop coughing. From the time i started taking mtx approx 5 months prior i was warned by GM and RA doc to take all lung problems as big problems due to mtx use.

The most i could get from the doctors is that i probably had lung problems prior to mtx and that the mtx may have "pushed the problem over the edge". Everyone was concerned that i was going to sue as the manufacturer suggests lung x-ray at least prior to mtx presciption which wasn't given (x-ray of lungs). One nervous RA Doctor tried to convince me that i had lost that peice of lung prior to mtx. Trust me, you can tell the difference. It is like having a 6 cylinder engine car that has only 5 cylinders working.

 I used to smoke about 2-3 packs a day and was trying to figure a way to smoke in the shower, i loved smoking cigarettes. The UC Doctor that told me that i had lost 30% of my left lung told me that if i quit smoking, i would feel close to what i felt like before the loss of lung. I went home and researched and that night decided to quit and haven't smoked since. No withdrawel pains or cravings. They wanted to cut out the bleb and put me on a list for a lung transplant. I decided against the removal of the bleb and took myself off of the waiting for a lung list. Six months later everyone was so surprised at the results of my lung function tests. I can only attribute the amazing results to quiting smoking. The lung Doctors attributed the results to the effects of albuterol and spiriva until i told them that i wasn't taking either of the drugs prescribed, i only quit smoking. I breath heavy and deep when doing anything streneuos and have to watch for a leaking bleb and hope to have enough time to get to emegency if bleb starts leaking. Oh woe is me, just kidding. I still do most everything and certainly still enjoy life.

I know i made this long but it is early morning and i have had an abundance of sleep and a monster energy drink, do the math. I know that the reason it was so easy to quit is because i wanted to, prior to this incident, i just didn't want to. If you are going to quit smoking, i suggest you quit approximately 2 cigarettes prior to sleep. That way you wake up already having quit and on schedule. Definately do not beat yourself up over not quiting and especially do not let others beat you up over smoking.




lev, i went to my md, chest x-ray neg. cbc(for infection) neg. that breathing test(for asthma) neg. he thought it was anxiety. i have been very stressed with everything, and the weather has been hot and very humid!. i started chantix(quit smoking pill) yesterday. my quit date is july 9th. i havent called my rheumy yet,but the md seemed to know what mtx. lung was. so i hope i am covered?



You should be in good shape, x-ray will show almost all lung problem. Quiting stressing is probably more important to your health than quiting smoking. Stressing is or can be deadly.


Anew, I started to respond then realized you were talking about last weekend. How did you do? Did your Rheumy finally call? I hope all went well for you. I was gonna suggest you go to urgent care just to be on the safe side, but I'm a little late...

I hope you are feeling better!

i am doing well, i still have some sob. but got tested for everything and i am fine. so i guess it is anxiety due to stress! i took my first enbril shot yesterday, and today i woke up feeling less fatiuged.. maybe it all in my head just like the sob??


Kel, that was great news from you doctor.  I was worried.  SOB should always be checked out and it sounded like your doctor did everything that should have been done.  Am happy to hear that you're going to quit smoking.  It's the best gift you can give yourself.  Lindy