Who Else Has Needle Phobia? | Arthritis Information


anyone else other than me? Nope!  Went though a few years of fertility treatments, now the ra, you get over it quickly! Ditto what micheleb said.  You get over it quickly.  Uhhhh.... yeah... I have not gotten over it yet, and have been doing humira injections since last Feb. I still freak when hubby gives me my shot. Nope!  Between IVs, blood tests and Remicade, I think Lisa has the best name of all..."pin cushion."Depends how far the needle is going!

Acupuncture was fine, but I dont like watchng myself having blood tests. And as for the time I had to have a lumbar puncture...well, I couldn't walk or even sit up in bed without fainting but I was still considering ahem *borrowing* one of the other ladies zimmerframes in the hospital and making a dash (hobble) for it.

I will admit... I at one time was kinda getting use to getting my blood drawn every 3 months, but that was only because by the time I would get called back to get my blood drawn I was too tired to care. But it did seem like I always got the new person who did not know how to draw blood. So, when I got called back I would look at the person name tag and if it said "intern" anywhere on it, I would begin to freak and cry, because those people did not know how to find a vein, lightly jab ya, or even make the turniket not turn my arm almost purple!


They have to use the blood pressure cuff pumped up to "arm falling off mode" to even begin looking for a vein for me.  IV's, forget it, my veins are a mess, wrecked, totally wrecked!  Sure glad the humira doesn't have to go into a vein! Oh I have no vein problems, my left arm is the best for blood drawing. Just That I always got stuck with a student. I use to go to the University hospital for to visit my old RD.

Nope I do not have needle phobia.  They don't bother me.  I can even watch someone else stick one in me.  I better not have needle phobia with all the tattoos I have lol. 

Now my husband is a different story.  He turns green then white when someone gets poked with a needle.  Including himself lol. 

My needle phobia is more about SEEING a needle going into me or in me than it is about feeling it - even though can't stand the pain of it either. 

It's why I am leaning toward the Remicade for my next treatment option instead of Humira or Enbrel.

I just can't stand the thought of having to sticking a needle into my own self, and guess if one must go iin, it will be better if someone else does it to me while I lam looking the other way - no matter how painful....

When I try to even picture giving myself a shot, all I can see is me with a needle chasing me in circles around and around and around my house for days at a time....without ever actually getting it accomplished. 


Joonie, I have needle phobia. I hate giving them and I hate getting them. I
have given so many injections, started a zillion IV's and even more blood
draws as well as getting plenty over the years. I get anxious whenever I see
a needle. I think it stems back to my childhood when I got so many pennVK
shots for constant strep throats.

There are times I don't want to jab myself because I get tired of doing it.  But I guess I have to if I want to feel good.  Sigh. 

I used to, but since RA and cardiomyopathy I hardly have even a flinch.. I HATE seeing the kids get blood tests or shots thoughWell, I guess I get anxious when it is time for hubby to give me my shot. I know my face feels really hot and I begin to sweat, and I just feel like running away. Most times I wiggle around and say "WAIT!! WAAAAIT!!" and then hubby will yell at me and tell me to stop being a big baby. And then he will tell me after her gave me my shot... "See that did not hurt me at all." Of course, it did not hurt him! He did job himself and insert something that burns in himself, he inserted it into me!!!!!!

I not only have RA but I am Diabetic also.  Two years ago I was so anemic I had 6 blood transfusions in one year.  Needles....you bet I still have a phobia.  Just take a deep breath...exhale and stick it in.  There is no way around it, especially if you need it.  The small pinch is worth the relief of the medication being supplied!  Good luck to you.

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